AY Honor Hurricanes Requirements
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1. Find the definition for the following terms:
- a. Advisory
- b. Hurricane season
- c. Storm Surge
- d. Tropical Storm
- e. Tropical Wave
- f. Eye
- g. Hurricane Warning
- h. Tropical Cyclone
- i. Tropical Storm Warning
- j. Hurricane/Typhoon
- k. Hurricane Watch
- l. Tropical Depression
- m. Tropical Storm Watch
2. Define and tell how a hurricane is formed.
3. What are the dangers of a hurricane?
4. What are the different levels of hurricanes?
5. List the precautions to take before a hurricane strikes.
6. Make a list of things to have in preparation for a hurricane.
7. List what actions to take while a hurricane is taking place.
8. Describe what to do after a hurricane has struck.
9. Define ADRA.
10. Know what your local conference disaster relief program is.