AY Honor Optimism Answer Key
From Pathfinder Wiki
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Explain what the term optimism means. Why is it good to think and be optimistic?
Where in the Pathfinder motto and pledge do you see a connection with optimistic thinking?
Make a list of seven things that prevent you from being optimistic and seven things that make you feel optimistic.
When and where did someone motivate you and help you think optimistically? How did this person do it? Tell your group leader or group about it.
List three things that gave you courage in seemingly "hopeless" situations or major challenges.
Write a Thank You journal for a month in which you write down every day what you are grateful for. Show it to your group leader and talk about an entry that particularly touched you.
Search the Bible for promises God gives us that give you a personal reason to be confident. Memorize at least three of these promises.
Sing a song that motivates and encourages others in situations where they are complaining.
Motivate your group at least three times in different situations with positive thoughts and optimistic impulses.
Think of five "encouragement sentences", write them on small cards and give them to someone who needs courage.