AY Honor Telecartofilia Requirements

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Skill Level






Approval authority

South American Division

Telecartofilia AY Honor.png
Skill Level
Approval authority
South American Division
Year of Introduction
See also

1. What are the differences between telecartofilia, philately, and numismatics?

2. Explain what factors influence a phone card for it to be rare and what factors make it valuable to a collector.

3. Mention five countries that use telephone cards and which types are used.

4. Know and acquire the necessary objects to start a collection of phone cards.

5. Know when and where the first telephone card in the world came from. Also know the history of when it began to be used in your country.

6. Write a 25-line report on the parameters of a thematic collection.

7. Make a poster, presentation or essay narrating the history of the phone card in your country.

8. Have a collection of 100 phone cards without including those that are repeated.