Translations:AY Honors/Alive Bible/Answer Key/6/en

From Pathfinder Wiki

In your Bible verses, always be on the lookout for your own heart reactions to feelings both positive and negative. Go through your verses and write down one or two feelings for each phrase. Put the feeling in your voice, face, and body. Your movement might change a little or a lot once you’ve added the feeling.

Shortcut 8: Learn in sections - three verses at a time.

Say the last part of the previous verse to connect it with the verse you are learning next. Decide on an anchor (summary) word for each verse and say them before you practice the section through. “The bullies”, “when the king”, “in the evening”.

Shortcut 9: Walk

Do NOT learn by heart while standing still. If unable to walk, move some part of your body.

Shortcut 10: Out loud

Always learn out loud.

Shortcut 11: Give to others

Having Jesus’ Words inside you is very special. Giving them to other people blesses them too, and makes you doubly blessed! People will be amazed and want to know how to do it for themselves.

Shortcut 12: Review

Saying & doing the adventure EVERY DAY FOR 8 WEEKS gets it into your Long Term Memory.