AY Honor Abraham & Sand Art Answer Key
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Approval authority
Florida Conference
Many of Ellen White's book can be found free online in your respective language at https://egwwritings.org/.
292 years old.
They were triplets. (Shem, Ham, and Japheth are the only other previous example of triplets in the Bible. Genesis 5:32)
God called him out of his home and country to go to a land that He would show him.
God promised that He would make Abraham a great nation and that through his seed all the world would be blessed. Abraham understood this to mean that the promised Messiah would come from his seed.
75 years old.
There was a great famine in the land, so Abraham went to the closest land that wasn’t being plagued by famine.
Abraham was concerned about what the Egyptians might do to harm him in order to get his wife because she was so beautiful. So, he lied about their relationship and said that she was his sister. This was partially true; she was his half-sister. Pharaoh thought to
take Sarah into his harem as one of his wives, and God caused plagues to come on his household to protect Sarah and Abraham, in spite of their lack of faith.
Both Lot and Abraham had great flocks and herds, by this time. Their herdsmen were starting to quarrel about land and water usage, so Abraham asked Lot to separate from him and allowed Lot to choose where he would settle.
Abraham settled in the high country because Lot chose the fertile valley where Sodom and Gomorrah were located.
Two. The first in Shechem, where God appeared to him, told him that He would give this land to Abraham’s descendants. The second was in Bethel where he camped and built and altar to call on the name of the Lord.
Friend of God.
Abraham left his home and relatives at the command of God and traveled to a place that God said He would show him. He didn’t know where it was or what it would look like. When Isaac was a young man, God called Abraham and asked him to take Isaac, his
only son, to a place he would show him and offer up Isaac as a sacrifice. In both situations, Abraham moved at God’s command without knowing that what the outcome would be. He had to take these steps of faith, knowing that God was in control and that he didn’t have to worry about the outcomes.
Abraham was prepared to kill his only son (the son of promise) as a sacrifice to God, and Isaac willingly submitted to the process. God gave His only Son as a sacrifice for the human race, to save them from their sins, and Jesus willingly submitted to the process.
You can buy colored sand or sand art kits at a craft store. Layer the sand into small glass bottles (baby food jars work great). Poking a toothpick through the layers can add interesting designs. The sand should be poured into the jar slowly, from a small cup, tablespoon, or funnel. The secret to a long-lasting sand art project is to fill the jar or bottle to the VERY top before closing. Have fun!
Important Note about Patch
This honor is a regional honor approved by the Florida Conference. To obtain the honor patch, you must contact the Florida Conference at the Florida Pathfinder Store.