AY Honor Carpentry Requirements

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Skill Level






Approval authority

General Conference

Carpentry AY Honor.png
Skill Level
Approval authority
General Conference
Year of Introduction
See also

1. Describe the function of the following tools:

a. Band Saw

b. Belt Sander

c. Jig Saw

d. Miter Saw

e. Radial Arm Saw

f. Router

g. Shaper

h. Wood lathe

2. Demonstrate how to use the following tools:

a. Block Plane

b. Circular Saw (cut a straight line)

c. Framing Square

d. Hammer

e. Hand Saw (cut a straight line)

f. Level

g. Measuring Tape

h. Nail Set

i. Plumb Bob

j. Wood Chisel

3. Describe the use of and distinguish between the following types of nails:

a. 20 penny

b. 16 penny

c. 12 penny

d. 8 penny

e. 6 penny

f. Finish

g. Brad

h. Roofing

i. Screw Nail

j. Sinker

k. Common

l. Galvanized

4. Assist in erecting a building not less than 6x8 feet in ground dimensions with a gable roof and at least one door and one window, demonstrating ability to measure and use tools from requirement 2.

5. When building the above project, use all of these features:

a. Floor Joist

b. Sub Floor

c. Shoe Plate

d. Top Plate

e. Double Plate

f. Conventional Roof or Trusses

g. Felt Roof

h. Shingles

i. Window with Weight-bearing Header

j. Door with Weight-bearing Header

k. Fascia on Eaves

l. Siding

Note: Participants must be 16 years old or older to use power tools.