AY Honor Christian Citizenship Answer Key for Indonesia used by General Conference

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< AY Honors‎ | Christian CitizenshipAY Honors/Christian Citizenship/Answer Key 7
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Christian Citizenship

Skill Level






Approval authority

General Conference

Christian Citizenship AY Honor.png
Christian Citizenship
Spiritual Growth, Outreach and Heritage
Skill Level
Approval authority
General Conference
Year of Introduction
See also


Describe the national, state or provincial, AY, Pathfinder, and Christian flags.

Indonesia : The Indonesia National Flag is a simple design flag with two colors that are separated into two parts horizontally. The colors were taken from the Majapahit Kingdom. Actually not only the Majapahit Kingdom that use the Merah Putih flag as their magnificence symbol. Before the Majapahit, the Kediri Kingdom already use the Merah Putih as their guidon. In the time of the Bugis Bone Kingdom, South Sulawesi before Arung Palakka, the Merah Putih, was a symbol for the power and the magnificence of the Kingdom. The Bone Flag itself known as the Woromporang. In the time of the Javanesee War (1825-1830 M) Pangeran Diponegoro use the Merah Putih as their guidon on their struggle against the VOC. The Flag that were called Sang Merah Putih was first use by the students and the nasionalist in the early of 20 centuries under the power of the Netherlands. After the world war II ended, Indonesia receive their independence on August 17, 1945 and begin to use the Merah Putih as their National Flag. The Indonesia Flag have two Phylosophic meaning. Red means brave, white means holy. Red represent the human body, while white represent the human soul. Both mutually equip and round off for Indonesia.
Pathfinder Flag: The Pathfinder flag is made from one of several materials, cotton bunting, rayon, or nylon. The flag is divided through the center both vertically and horizontally making four equal parts. The background colors are royal blue and white alternately sewed together with the upper left hand comer being royal blue. The Pathfinder emblem is centered in the heart of the background. The colors are descriptive of the purposes and ideals of Pathfindering. White means purity, blue means loyalty, red reminds us of the shed blood of Christ (sacrifice), and gold means excellence. The symbols also have meanings. The shield is the protection of God, the sword is his word, the Bible, and the triangle represents completeness. Completeness of the Godhead (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), and completeness of the three parts of education (Mental, Physical, and Spiritual).
AY Flag: The background is red and white, red symbolizing the blood of Christ and white representing purity. In the center, there is a logo that has AY which means Adventist Youth and it has three angels meaning the 3 angels message.
Christian Flag: The "Christian Flag" is a white flag with a blue canton and a red cross in it. It was designed by Charles Overton in 1897 to represent Protestants of all denominations. The cross symbolizes the crucifixion of Christ.


Know how to display the national flag with two other flags under the following situations:
a. Camp out/camporee
b. Fair
c. Pathfinder Day program
d. Parade


If your camp has three flag poles than the National Flag should be post at the center. When there are only two flag poles than the National Flag should be post at the right. This regulations works to in the time of Camporee.

The order of precedence for flag is:
1. The National Flag of Indonesia. Sang Merah Putih
2. The Pathfinder Club Flag.
3. The Adventist Youth Flag.

The order of placement for flag in the time of Camporee is:
1. The Pathfinder Club Flag placed on the right pole.
2. The National Flag of Indonesia placed on the center pole and must be higher than the other flags.
3. The Adventist Youth Flag placed on the left pole.


The above regulation works to in all kinds of Fair in Pathfinder Club such as Pathfinder Fair and Adventurer Fair except if the Fair were held in an auditorium.


Demonstrate how to fold and salute your national flag. Mention when and how it should be displayed.


Flag Protocol


Explain the meaning of and reason for the National Anthem, and recite the words from memory.


Give the rights and responsibilities of a citizen of your country.




Have an interview with a local, regional, or national official of your country, and learn about his duties.

It is generally easier to get a local official to agree to an interview, though it is often more exciting to interview a more prominent person. The interview can be accomplished during a club meeting, and multiple Pathfinders can ask questions. Invite your guest well ahead of time, and make sure everyone in the club is on time. A visit by an official would be a very good reason to have everyone in the club wear their class A uniforms. If desired, you can make up several questions ahead of time, writing them on index cards, and distributing them to the members of your club. But do not be so rigid as to not allow them to ask spontaneous questions. Having questions prepared ahead of time on index cards are a good way to get things rolling. Here are some suggested questions:

  • Could you describe a typical day at work?
  • What is the most difficult part of your job?
  • What is the most satisfying aspect of your job?
  • To whom do you report?
  • How did you get your position? Were you elected, appointed, or hired?
  • How should a young person prepare for a life of public service?


Write a one-page essay or give a two-minute oral report about a famous person in your country. Mention what this person has done to gain recognition.

This would be an excellent opportunity to present a worship during the opening exercises of a regular club meeting. Encourage your Pathfinder to choose a person they are personally interested in. If they cannot think of anyone themselves, have a list of suggested persons at hand and encourage them to choose from the list. Famous people might be historical figures, politicians, actors, sports stars, or anyone else. It would be preferable to choose a person who has been a positive influence on the country.

Although the requirement asks that you "mention what he has done to gain his recognition," this should not be interpreted as excluding women. Men are not the only famous people in a country.


Do one of the following:


Make a list of ten famous quotations from leaders of your country.


Make a list of ten famous historic places in your country.


Make a list of ten famous historic events in your country.


Describe what you can do as a citizen to help your church and country.

The best way to help either your church or your country is by getting involved. Edmund Burke, an English philosopher summed this up when he said "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

In your church, this means that you will show up for services on a regular basis. It also means you will support it with your tithes and offering, show up for business meetings, and not wait to be asked before you volunteer your services. If you see something that needs done, do it. If you do not have the skill to do it, or you think that you need permission first, talk to your pastor, an elder, deacon, or deaconess. Find your ministry!

For your country, it is much the same. Show up for public meetings, stay informed about the issues of the day, vote if you are eligible, and pay your taxes fairly and promptly.


Go through the steps of an individual acquiring citizenship in the country and learn how this is done.


Know how to explain the process of government in your country.


Explain the meaning of this statement Jesus made in Matthew 22:21: "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's.

This verse teaches that governmental authority is to be respected, as long as it does not conflict with the moral obligations of being a Christian. Government serves a holy purpose; preserving social order, promoting the well-being of its citizens, and protecting their safety. If you believe that this does not apply today because you see the government as corrupt, you are urged to research the Roman government of the first century A.D. when these words were spoken by Jesus. Was Herod corrupt? Was Pilate just?


Explain why laws are established in your country.
