AY Honor Earth Environment Requirements
Skill Level
Approval authority
Franco-Belgian Union
1. What is the environment? What is the difference with ecology?
2. What is biodiversity? Name some rare or endangered species in your area. Indicate some efforts undertaken at the regional and/or local level to protect biodiversity. What can your contribution be? Present your ideas.
3. Visit a nature site to protect and raise its environmental and social usefulness with a qualified person (nature facilitator, nature protection agents, etc.).
4. Meet a doctor and ask what diseases are linked to the deterioration of our environment. How can it be cured?
5. Explain what the food chain is, how it works and how to maintain its balance. Explain what the dangers are in the event of an imbalance.
6. Establish a project with the club to raise awareness among the members of your church about respecting the environment.