AY Honor Engineering Requirements

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Skill Level






Approval authority

General Conference

Engineering AY Honor.png
Skill Level
Approval authority
General Conference
Year of Introduction
See also

1. What is engineering?

2. Define the following four branches of engineering.

a. Chemical Engineering

b. Electrical Engineering

c. Civil Engineering

d. Mechanical Engineering

3. Identify and define at least 15 additional disciplines of engineering.

4. Explain the general responsibilities of an engineer.

5. Discuss what type education is required for a career in engineering.

6. How has the discipline of engineering contributed to society?

7. On your own or with a group, develop a chart board that outlines a brief history of a famous engineer, highlighting their contributions to society. Prepare and give an oral presentation on your findings.

8. Read Genesis 6. Discuss the biblical context of this chapter drawing comparisons to the field of engineering.

9. Identify 4 specific biblical engineering marvels that illustrate the art and importance of engineering.

10. Define the following terms as it relates to the engineering discipline:

a. CAD (Computer Aided Design)

b. Simulation

c. Rendering

d. Steady State

e. Constraint

11. What is reverse engineering?

12. Give a real world example where reverse engineering is useful.

13. On your own or with a group, complete one of the following engineering projects, OR a project at your skill level.

a. Build a paper plane, trimming and making adjustments for better flight

b. Build a compass using a box, a nail, and a magnet

c. Build a miniature dam using craft sticks and rocks