AY Honor Lathe Requirements

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Skill Level






Approval authority

South American Division

Lathe AY Honor.png
Skill Level
Approval authority
South American Division
Year of Introduction

1. Define what a lathe is.

2. What is the objective and purpose of a lathe?

3. Explain the work that is done with a lathe and its operating process.

4. What are the main operations that can be performed with a lathe?

5. What materials are used in the manufacturing of the tools used in a lathe? Give examples of tools with these materials.

6. Identify and demonstrate through drawings or photographs the basic components of a lathe.

7. Name some accessories (pieces) that make up the lathe and the function of each one.

8. Identify two tools that are used to measure the parts worked on a lathe. Explain the function of each of them.

9. Describe the function of each of the following lathes:

a. CNC

b. Turret

c. Vertical

d. Universal horizontal

e. Duplicator

f. Parallel

g. Automatic

10. Explain what an Industrial Technical Drawing is. How do you interpret it in an objective and easy-to-understand way?

11. What care should be taken when using a lathe? What personal protective and safety equipment (PPE) should be used?

12. What is the influence of cutting speed, feed and depth of cut on the life of a tool?

13. With the help of a lathe technician or specialist, make any cylindrical part, taking into account what has been learned in the basic operations carried out with the lathe. Make a report of at least 300 words, describing how this piece was developed.