AY Honor Masonry Requirements

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Skill Level






Approval authority

General Conference

Masonry AY Honor.png
Skill Level
Approval authority
General Conference
Year of Introduction
See also

1. Name at least six materials commonly used by masons in the erection of walls or buildings.

2. Demonstrate ability to use properly the following:

a. Plumb line

b. Line stretcher (chicken legs)

c. Level

d. Trowel

e. S-tool

f. Mason's hammer

3. Demonstrate a knowledge of building cement characteristics (know how to prevent sweating, cracking, shrinking, crumbling, and loss of strength).

4. Make usable mortar and state proper proportions of ingredients (lime, sand, etc.).

5. Lay a straight stone, brick, or block masonry wall at least four feet (1.2 meters) high and ten feet (3.0 meters) long, including an inside or outside corner (surface must be struck and broomed).

6. Pour a level footing, using hand mixed cement and proper reinforcement.

7. Make the forms and lay a piece of concrete walk or floor, using commercially mixed cement. Finish it and rule it.

8. Write a paragraph describing the behavior of cement; that is, its reaction to water, its adhesive qualities, how long it takes to set, etc.