AY Honor Plant Physiology Requirements

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Plant Physiology

Skill Level






Approval authority

South American Division

Plant Physiology AY Honor.png
Plant Physiology
Skill Level
Approval authority
South American Division
Year of Introduction
See also

1. What are the characteristics that classify a living being as a plant?

2. Name the four groups of plants and their main characteristics. Which are considered simpler and which are more complex?

3. Name the functions of the parts of the plant:

a. Root

b. Stem

c. Leaf

d. Fruit

e. Flower

4. What is photosynthesis and what is its purpose? What organisms are capable of photosynthesis? What is the chemical formula of photosynthesis?

5. What is xylem and phloem? What is the function of each?

6. Name five plant hormones and their functions.

7. How does transpiration occur in plants? What is its importance for development?

8. Discuss gynoecium and androceum, mentioning their parts and functions.

9. Name at least one Bible story that compares a plant to spiritual life. Explain.