AY Honor Sea Turtles Requirements

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Sea Turtles

Skill Level






Approval authority

Australian Union

Sea Turtle AY Honor.png
Sea Turtles
Skill Level
Approval authority
Australian Union
Year of Introduction

1. What is the average number of eggs laid in a loggerhead turtle nest?

2. What are three species of marine turtle that nest at Mon Repos?

3. At what age does a loggerhead turtle reach maturity/start to lay eggs?

4. What do adult loggerhead turtles eat?

5. How long can a loggerhead turtle hold its breath when active?

6. What are two main things that will disturb a nesting turtle?

7. What is the top side of a turtle shell called?

8. How long do loggerhead turtles incubate eggs for?

9. When might the Rangers at Mon Repos relocate turtle eggs?

10. At warmer temperatures (above 28°C), do we see male or female hatchlings produced?

11. What do we see at Mon Repos that is considered the top three human-induced threats to turtle hatchlings once they reach the ocean?

12. On average, how many clutches/nests will a loggerhead turtle lay in the season?

13. What day did God create the animals of the sea and where in the Bible is it found?

14. Successfully observe turtles laying eggs at Mon Repos (or other QLD beach in your area).