AY Honor Steps to Christ Answer Key

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Steps to Christ

Skill Level






Approval authority

Australian Union

Steps to Christ AY Honor.png
Steps to Christ
Skill Level
Approval authority
Australian Union
Year of Introduction


Refer to the Trainer’s Notes for list of Activities for this Honour.


There are 13 activities listed below. Each activity is related to its associated chapter in the book “Steps to Christ”. Choose a minimum of 6 of these activities to work through with your Pathfinder group.

Activity 1: God’s Love for Man
Drama - Pathfinders to split into groups. Allocate sufficient time for them to plan, practice, and enact a drama from the Bible based on the below verses. Activity is to reinforce the learning of God’s love.
Group 1 John 13 (Jesus washes the disciples’ feet)
Group 2 John 8:1-11 (Jesus and the adulterous woman)
Group 3 Exodus 20:1-17 (The Ten Commandments)
Group 4 Luke 23:26-49 (The Crucifixion)

Activity 2: The Sinner’s Need of Christ
Pictionary - Pathfinders to split into groups. They are given a large piece of paper on which to draw and play Pictionary. Each group has a Pathfinder drawing a depiction of the story from the verses listed below, while the rest of that team guesses the Bible story from the drawing. Activity is to reinforce the understanding of our need for Jesus. We cannot do it alone.
Group 1 Luke 7:36-50 (A sinful woman forgiven)
Group 2 John 4:1-30 (The woman of Samaria)
Group 3 Luke 19:1-10 (Zacchaeus)
Group 4 Acts 9:1-18 (The conversion of Saul)

Activity 3: Repentance
Divide Pathfinders into groups. One group to discuss the prayer of the Poor Publican and the other group to discuss the prayer of the Pharisee. Bring the groups together and discuss the differences.
Group 1 Poor Publican/Tax Collector (Luke 18:9-14; S2C Pg. 30 and 31)
Group 2 Pharisee (Luke 18:9-14; S2C Pg. 30 and 31)

Activity 4: Confession
Break up into groups and identify a list of characters in the Bible who confessed their sin before the Lord.

Discuss their confession. Was it true confession? Bring back your findings to the wider Pathfinder group.

Activity 5: Consecration
Divide Pathfinders into groups. Have each group discuss where God gave people in the Bible freedom to choose between His way or Satan’s way. Groups to discuss what the outcome was and what empowered that Bible character to make the right choice or prevented that Bible character from choosing God’s way.

Activity 6: Faith and Acceptance
Compile some pictures / illustrations (without words) of faith / lack of faith stories in the Bible and allow the Pathfinders to guess the stories. Discuss how each character within the illustrations demonstrated faith / lack of faith and what we can learn from these Bible characters in our walk with God.

Activity 7: The Test of Discipleship
Activity: Separate into groups. Each group is assigned a method to memorise the Fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). Pathfinder groups to return to the wider group and demonstrate their memorised version of the Fruits of the Spirit.
Group 1 Sign Language
Group 2 Symbols
Group 3 Song, poem
Group 4 Design a game

Activity 8: Growing up in Christ
Divide into four groups. Each group to read and discuss their assigned Bible verses. Discuss the symbols used and the meaning of each symbol.
Group 1 The Parable of the Sower (Matt. 13:1-23)
Group 2 House on Rock (Matt. 7:24-27; Luke 6:45-49)
Group 3 Mustard Seed (Luke 13:18-19; Mark 4:30-34; Matt 13:31-32)
Group 4 I Am the Vine (John 15:1-17)

Activity 9: The Work of Life (Service)
Divide into groups and have each group discuss the Bible characters who became witnesses and servants of Jesus. Each group to report back to the wider Pathfinder group and give a brief summary of what they discussed and learned.
Group 1 The Story of the Demoniacs (Matt 8:28-34)
Group 2 The Woman at the Well (John 4: 1-45)
Group 3 Saul’s Conversion (Acts 9:1-22)
Group 4 Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10)

Activity 10: A Knowledge of God (Hearing God’s Voice)
Divide the Pathfinders into groups. Give each group one of the objects listed below. Ask them to find a story in the Bible that relates to their assigned object (allow them to look up on the internet and / or have a Concordance ready for the Pathfinders to use). Discuss how God is talking to them through these items found in nature. Each group to present back their findings to the wider Pathfinder group.
Group 1 Salt
Group 2 Stone/rock
Group 3 Flowers
Group 4 Grain

Activity 11: A Knowledge of God (Hearing God’s Voice)
Divide the Pathfinders into groups. Give each group one of the objects listed below. Ask them to find a story in the Bible that relates to their assigned object (allow them to look up on the internet and / or have a Concordance ready for the Pathfinders to use). Discuss how God is talking to them through these items found in nature. Each group to present back their findings to the wider Pathfinder group.
Group 1 God’s Requirements When We Pray (1 Joh. 3:22; 2 Chron. 7:14; Joh. 15:7; Mat. 6:7)
Group 2 How Often? (Psa. 55:17; Psa. 5:1-3; Dan. 6:10)
Group 3 The Lord’s Prayer (Mat. 6:5-15; Luk. 11:1-13)
Group 4 Faith (Mat. 21:22; Mat. 11:24; Mat. 7:9-11; Jer. 33:3)

Activity 12: What to do with Doubt
Divide the Pathfinders into groups. Allocate the below Bible verse to each group to read and discuss. Each group to discuss the Bible character who doubted. Give each group the following questions to consider:
  • What were they doubting?
  • What were they lacking?
  • Did they change their minds?
  • What was the consequence?
  • What can we learn from their experience? Instead of doubting, what should we do?
Group 1 Doubting Thomas (John 20:24-31)
Group 2 Sarah (Genesis 18:1-19, Hebrews 11:11)
Group 3 Lot’s Wife (Genesis 19:15-29, Luke 12:31-33)
Group 4 Eve (Genesis 3:1-24, 2 Corinthians 11:3)

Activity 13: Rejoicing in the Lord
Divide into groups. Give each group one of the below Bible verses to read and discuss. Have each group draw/paint a picture (no words) to describe their story. Can the other groups identify the Bible story from the picture?
Group 1 2 Kings 5:1-14 (Naaman healed of leprosy)
Group 2 Daniel 3:8-30 (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego)
Group 3 Acts 16:16-40 (Paul and Silas - prison experience)
Group 4 Daniel 6:1-28 (Daniel and the lion’s den)


Allocate ½ hour per activity listed in the Activity List.


Links to Honours and Pursuits that can be run simultaneously:
  • God’s Messenger (Honour)
  • Leather Working (Honour) – make a cover for your S2C book
  • Steps to Love (Pursuit)

For tips and instruction see God's Messenger. For tips and instruction see Leather Craft.
