Help:Add crosslink to an honor

From Pathfinder Wiki

What is a Crosslink

A crosslink is a link between different honors. For example the ADRA-honors are crosslinked to the NAD equivalents of those honors, as ADRA honors cannot be used in most of the NAD.

A crosslink is similar to an honor variant, but where variants share the same landing page, a crosslink will have its own landing page. There are a few reasons this may happen:

  • The honor has a different name and/or insignia, but it covers the same topic. It may be considered a division's or a union's custom-replacement of that same honor.
  • The honor is a regional honor. Regional honors are honors that aren't released by any of the following institutions of the Seventh-day Adventist Church: General Conference, Divisions, Unions. So, the regional honor can point to the equivalent honor adopted by a higher level institution, but not the other way around. This may happen when a conference develops an honor which is adopted and modified by one of its parent organizations, but the conference wishes to keep their own version intact for their territory.

How to add a crosslink

To add a crosslink to an honor follow the steps below:

  1. Open the honor, where the crosslink should be added.
  2. Go into the edit view.
  3. Add and set to 1 or increment the cnt_crosslinkhonors argument of the HonorLanding-Template. It needs to represent the number of crosslinkhonor_n arguments.
  4. Add the crosslinkhonor_n argument to the HonorLanding-Template and replace the n, with the next higher number. Set this argument to the name of the honor that is being crosslinked.

In this example there is only one crosslink and it points to the "Identifying Community Needs"-Honor:

|crosslinkhonor_1=Identifying Community Needs