AY Honor Christian Worship

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< AY HonorsAY Honors/Christian Worship
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Christian Worship

Skill Level






Approval authority

South Pacific Division

Christian Worship AY Honor.png
Christian Worship
Spiritual Growth, Outreach and Heritage
Skill Level
Approval authority
South Pacific Division
Year of Introduction


As Christians, we worship our God. So, it makes sense that we examine His scriptures to help us understand Who our God is and to find out about Christian worship.

First we look at the "big picture" as events unfold over time. The aim is to help us get an appreciation of our wonderful, loving God. We look at the meaning of the word "worship" and reflect on examples of worship through the Scriptures.

Finally there’s the personal, practical part – personal worship and how you can help enrich the worship experience for others. Don’t hold back!

The Challenging Part

The most challenging requirement of this honor is probably this:

7. Do the following: Complete the Christian Worship Honours: Evaluation Form for at least two of the following:

a. Conduct a series of private (ie just you & God) Christian Worship services

b. Be part of the congregation of a Christian Worship service

c. Participate in a worship team

d. Lead out in a Christian Worship service for a group of at least 5 people.