Template:Honor desc2
From Pathfinder Wiki
Camping Skills IV
Skill Level:
Year Introduced:
- Be in at least the 8th grade.
- Plan and execute a one-hour Sabbath camping activity other than worship to make the Sabbath a meaningful experience.
- Write a 200-word report or give a two-minute oral presentation on the preservation of the wilderness, discussing etiquette and conservation.
- Plan your menu for a two-day camping trip and estimate the cost.
- Participate in two weekend campouts.
- Start a fire in wet weather, knowing where to get tinder and how to keep your fire going.
- Know the wood best suited for making a quick, hot fire.
- Know the wood best suited for making coals for cooking.
- Demonstrate how to split firewood.
- Demonstrate the proper care and storage of camp foods and how to build various caches to protect food from animals.
- Prepare a camp dinner with soup, vegetables, entree, and drink, all of which must be cooked.
- Bake your food in a reflector oven.
- Purify water by three different methods.