Translations:AY Honors/African Lore/Answer Key/50/en

From Pathfinder Wiki

|Eating habits = Like many ethnic groups in Nigeria, the Ijaws have many local foods that are not widespread in Nigeria. Many of these foods involve fish and other seafoods such as clams, oysters and periwinkles; yams and plantains. Some of these foods are:

  • Polofiyai — A very rich soup made with yams and palm oil
  • Kekefiyai— A pottage made with chopped unripened (green) plantains, fish, other seafood or game meat ("bushmeat") and palm oil
  • Fried or roasted fish and plantain — Fish fried in palm oil and served with fried plantains
  • Gbe — The grub of the raffia-palm tree beetle that is eaten raw, dried or pickled in palm oil
  • Kalabari "sea-harvest" fulo— A rich mixed seafood soup or stew that is eaten with foofoo, rice or yams