Translations:AY Honors/Bible Marking/Answer Key/5/en

From Pathfinder Wiki

Color Code

Choose a color for the topic. As you read your Bible, when you come across a passage having to do with that topic, you mark a line down the margin starting where that topic begins, and ending where the topic ends. If the passage has a subheading and the entire passage has to do with the topic, underline the subheading with that color.


  1. Good for ongoing study of the Bible.
  2. Colors stand out.
  3. Gives a good overview of a topic.

  1. The number of distinct colors will limit the number of topics you can mark.
  2. You have to have the right color marker with you when you come across a reference.
  3. Too many colors or an overmarked Bible will render the annotations useless.
  4. Not good for a sequential study - such as where a prophecy is made and where its fulfillment is recorded.

Cross Reference

1. Where you have found two or more texts speaking about the same subject you can, alongside one of these texts, in the margin, write the reference to those other texts. Then go to those other texts and write the reference of the first text. 2. If it is to do with only a word or a phrase from the text that you wish to support from other texts, then place an "R" alongside that word or phrase.


  1. Can be added to.
  2. Not limited by subjects.
  3. Quick support for a difficult text.

  1. Limited by space in the margin for reference.
  2. You need to know where to start.
  3. Hard to follow through a complete study.

Many Bibles have this type of reference in them when printed.