Translations:AY Honors/Bogs & Fens/Answer Key/26/en

From Pathfinder Wiki

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:2 Pitcher plants (Family Sarraceniaceae) are carnivorous plants, meaning they have unique ways of catching insect prey and digesting them to obtain nutrients otherwise not available in their environment. The plant has large "pitcher" shaped leaves that catch rain water. The "lip" of the leaf is pretty colored, fragrant and slippery. Insects are attracted to this, fall in and are trapped, unable to escape due to sharp, down pointing hairs causing the insect to drown. The plant then digests its catch. This family of plants (nine species here in North America) often inhabit peatlands, bogs, pine barrens and other such habitats that are hostile to most other types of plants. In one species, the leaves can grow to be almost 3 feet tall! Strangely enough, some insects and other small creatures survive and even thrive inside the pitcher plant. They may spend some time there and move on or in some cases, make a permanent home. There is a type of mosquito larvae (Pitcher Plant Mosquito – Wyeomyia smithii ) that lives in the very fluid that consumes other types of insects. This mosquito living in the pitcher plants have special anti-enzymes that prevent them from being digested. The Bible is like these anti-enzymes; we must have God's word as part of our whole being, our lifestyle and full commitment. We live in a crazy, scary world yet we are not part of this world. We are only passing through. We are not to be consumed by the things and desires this world has to offer for they result in death, just like insects that fall into the pitcher plant and are digested because they do not have the anti-enzyme. God's word must be written in our hearts and minds. May we encourage each other to become filled with these spiritual "anti-enzymes". (Beckermeyer) (Johnson & Worley, 1985)