Translations:AY Honors/Horse Husbandry/Answer Key/30/en

From Pathfinder Wiki

The hardest part is getting the horse to lift its leg.

Barefoot hoof, from below. Details:1. heel perioplium ; 2. bulb; 3. frog; 4. central groove; 5. collateral groove; 6. heel; 7. bar; 8. seat of corn; 9. pigmented walls (external layer); 10. water line (inner layer); 11. white line; 12. apex of frog; 13. sole; 14 toe; 15. how to measure width; 16. quarter; 17 how to measure length

The hooves of a horse or pony are cleaned by being picked out with a hoof pick to remove any stones, mud and dirt and to check that the shoes (if worn) are in good condition. Keeping feet clean and dry wherever possible helps prevent both lameness as well as hoof diseases such as thrush (a hoof fungus). The feet should be cleaned every time the horse is ridden, and if the horse is not ridden, it is still best practice to check and clean feet frequently. Daily cleaning is recommended in many management books, but in practical terms, a weekly hoof check of healthy horses at rest is often sufficient during good weather.