Translations:AY Honors/Nutrition/Answer Key 2/38/en

From Pathfinder Wiki

Cardiovascular Disease: Attempts to prevent cardiovascular disease take the form of modifying risk factors. Some, such as gender, age, and family history, cannot be modified. Smoking cessation (or abstinence) is one of the most effective and easily modifiable changes. Also important is a low-fat, low-calorie diet, which helps one to maintain a healthy body mass index (BMI) and preventing obesity. Regular cardiovascular exercise (aerobic exercise) complements the healthful eating habits. Sometimes, the combination of diet and exercise will improve lipoprotein (cholesterol) levels; if not, a physician may prescribe "cholesterol-lowering" drugs, such as the statins. Treatment of cardiovascular disease depends on the specific form of the disease in each patient, but effective treatment always includes preventative lifestyle changes discussed above. Medications, such as blood pressure reducing medications, aspirin and other treatments may be involved.