Translations:AY Honors/Snowshoeing - Advanced/Answer Key 2/23/en

From Pathfinder Wiki
Use a trucker's hitch to secure the boot to the snowshoe.

The next several knots form a "trucker's hitch" which is not shown in the Knot Tying honor, but which is nonetheless, a highly useful knot for securely binding a load. It starts with a slip knot tied above the middle of the foot. This slip knot should be tied such that the loop will tighten when the free end is pulled (rather than when the standing end is pulled). The free end is then run beneath the crossbar on the other side of the foot, opposite the two half hitches previously tied. Then the free end runs into the loop formed by the slip knot. Tie it off with two half hitches. If you have rope leftover, run it behind the heel and tie it to the toe strap with two half hitches.