Translations:Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Arts and Crafts/Pin Trading/8/en

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Free Pins

  • Family and Friends— Search through drawers, jewelry boxes and pockets to find any pins you may already have. Ask your friends and relatives if they have any pins you could have.
  • Exhibit Booths—Trade shows, conventions, or special events often have exhibit booths that give out free items, including free pins. SDA organizations and institutions, such as academies, colleges, universities, TV stations, ADRA, food industries, or publishing institutions often give out free pins at exhibit booths in places such as Pathfinder camporees, camp meetings, ASI, or General Conference sessions. This is a great way to get some free pins for trading or collecting.
  • Government Offices - local, regional, state/provincial and national governments often have free pins for the asking that represent the area. They SE it as a form of advertising and will send pins out if asked nicely.
  • Companies and Organizations— Many companies and organizations will send you a free pin(s) by simply writing them a letter. Do a little investigative work and find out what companies are sponsoring sporting events, the Olympics, etc. Chamber of Commerce and tourism offices are good places to ask for pins that represent your own town. You will be amazed at what you might get for the cost of a postagestamp. National Organizing Committees and Sports Associations are also a good source for pins andinformation. Be sure and write a thank-you letter if they send you a free pin!