Translations:Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Health and Science/First Aid, Standard/16/en

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9. Know how to properly apply the following bandages:

a. Open and closed spiral

Start by laying a strip of roller bandage along the length of the limb, from the larger portion to the smaller (for example, from the elbow to the wrist, or from the knee to the ankle). Then make two or three turns around the smaller part of the limb, and then wind upward in a spiral fashion, covering the first part of the bandage that was laid down. For an open spiral, leave gaps between successive windings. This is useful for holding dressings in place over a large area, as needed in the case of a burn. For a closed spiral, overlap each winding. Secure at the top by tying the two ends of the bandage together with a square knot. Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Knot/Square