Translations:Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Nature/Camelids/11/en

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2011 Trampeltier 1528.JPG
  • two hump
  • Cold climates Much more northern climate than the dromedary including the Siberian steppe and the cold, arid deserts of Central and Eastern Asia. In the winter, temperatures in their native habitat can drop as low as –29° Celsius (–20° F).
  • long, shaggy coat that helps protect them in the cold winter months. They shed their long fur in the summer, when they are faced with high temperatures
  • typically dark brown to beige in coloring,
  • wide feet that facilitate walking across snow and sand, but their feet are tougher and can stand up to their more rocky environment
  • one or two babies (although one is much more common) and continue nursing them for up to a year and a half. The young aren’t completely independent until they’re five years old, thought they can bear young of their own between three and five years.
  • Much rarer, severely threatened in the wild