Translations:Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Nature/Camelids/70/en

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Dromedary or Arabian

07. Camel Profile, near Silverton, NSW, 07.07.2007.jpg

  • One hump
  • Hot climates. Original habitat was southern Asia and the Middle East, but now they can be found throughout the desert regions of the Middle East, India and Africa.
  • much shorter coat
  • typically brown, however, there are also black and white individuals, with almost every shade in between
  • padded feet ideal for sand, that can easily be punctured by stones and other sharp objects.
  • one baby at a time
  • babies are dependent on their mothers for anywhere from 12 to 24 months
  • they tend not to breed until they are about three years old for females, and six years old for males
  • much more common