Translations:Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Nature/Mammals/60/en

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6. List four mammals that are completely aquatic and designate their natural range.

Salt Water Mammals
1. Whales
a. Balaenoptera musculus (Blue Whale) lives near the surface of the ocean and can be found in every ocean of the world.
Faroe stamp 402 blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus).jpg Cetacea range map Blue Whale.PNG
b. Delphinapterus leucas (Beluga Whale) lives in Arctic and Sub-Arctic waters. Some will migrate to warmer waters in the summer and even swim up northern rivers into brackish (partly-salty) waters to hunt.
240 Cetacea range map Beluga.png
c. Balaena mysticetu (Bowhead Whale) lives solely in the Arctic near the surface of the ocean.
Bowheads42.jpg Cetacea range map Bowhead Whale.png
d. Megaptera novaeangliae (Humpback Whale) lives in all the oceans in the world except the polar seas. They live mostly in shallow water.
Humpback Whale underwater shot.jpg Cetacea range map Humpback Whale.png
2. Dolphins
a. Tursiops truncatus (Bottlenose Dolphins) live in warm and temperate seas and oceans all over the world.
Bottlenose Dolphin KSC04pd0178 head only.JPG Cetacea range map Bottlenose Dolphin.png
b. Orcinus orca (Orcas or Killer Whales) live in all the oceans and many of the seas in the world. (Even though this aquatic mammal has the name of "whale" it is in the dolphin (Delphinidae) family)
Killerwhales jumping.jpg Cetacea range map Orca.PNG
c. Stenella longirostris (Spinner Dolphin):
1.Eastern Spinner Dolphin (S. l. orientalis), found in the tropical eastern Pacific.
2.Central American or Costa Rican Spinner Dolphin (S. l. centroamericana), also found in the tropical eastern Pacific.
3.Gray's or Hawaiian Spinner Dolphin (S. l. longirostris), found in the central Pacific around Hawaii but represents a mixed bag of broadly similar subtypes found throughout the world.
4.Dwarf Spinner Dolphin (S. l. roseiventris), first found in the Gulf of Thailand.
SpinnerDolphinsoffKauai 1999-03-15.jpg Cetacea range map Spinner Dolphin.PNG
d. Lagenorhynchus obliquidens (Pacific White Sided Dolphin) lives in the Pacific Ocean
3. Porpoise
a. Neophocaena phocaenoides (Finless Porpoise) lives in the shallow coastal waters of Asia especially around India, China, Indonesia and Japan. A unique fresh water population is found in the Yangtze River. At the western end, their range includes the length of the western coast of India and continues up into the Persian Gulf.
240px Cetacea range map Finless Porpoise.PNG
b. Phocoena phocaena (Harbour Porpoise) is widespread in cooler coastal waters in the Northern Hemisphere, largely in areas with a mean temperature of about 15°C. In the Atlantic, Harbour Porpoises may be present in a concave band of water running from the coast of western Africa round to the eastern seaboard of the United States, including the coasts of Spain, France, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Norway, Iceland, Greenland and Newfoundland.
Porpoise touching.jpg Cetacea range map Harbour Porpoise.PNG
c. Phocoena sinus (Vaquita) is a very endangered species that lives only in the Sea of Cortez, the northern part of the Gulf of California.
240px Cetacea range map Vaquita.PNG
d. Phocoenoides dalli (Dall's Porpoise) ranges across the north Pacific Ocean from southern California to southern Japan (including the Sea of Japan in the south up to the Bering Sea in the north).
Dalls Porpoise Back.jpg Cetacea range map Dall's Porpoise.PNG