Translations:Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Outreach/Adventurer for Christ/19/en

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f. Take a cassette recording of your pastor's sermon and special music to a shut-in for three weeks.

Talk to your pastor or a local church elder to get a list of shut-ins who would appreciate the recording. If your church does not record the services, ask who ever is in charge of the audio system what it would take to get that started. If your church decides to acquire recording equipment for this purpose, recommend that they use a computer instead of a cassette deck. A computer capable of doing this costs about the same as a cassette duplicator, and blank CD's are now cheaper than blank cassettes (and blank cassettes are getting more and more difficult to find). CD's have other advantages as well:

  • They allow you to split the various portions of the worship service into separate tracks
  • You can use free audio editing software to cut out the dead times
  • You can upload the sermons to a website for podcasting (get permission from the speaker first).
  • CD players are now more common than cassette players, especially in automobiles, where many people will choose to listen to them when they miss the church service.