Translations:Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Recreation/Outdoor Leadership/17/en

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Sabbath Activities

  • Play a game of Bible trivia.
  • Read a story from the Bible and have others mime the parts as you read. Encourage them to be as expressive as they can.
  • Sing a Christian hymn or song. You can even make one up if you want
  • Have notepads and pencils available and draw sketches. You can sketch:
    • Trees and rocks
    • Other campers
    • Bible stories
  • Make a Bible rebus.
  • Work on an honor from the Nature series.
  • Build a fire in the rain (see Camping Skills IV). Talk about Elijah's experience on Mount Carmel.
  • Read Genesis 6-8 (Noah).
  • Put on your ponchos and go for a hike (unless there's lightning). Stay off ridges.
  • Bible Charades