Investiture Achievement/Explorer/Nature Study

From Pathfinder Wiki

Standard Level Strip invest explorer.jpg

Requirement 1a

Review the Genesis account of the flood.

Requirement 1b

Read a book about fossils and the biblical flood

Requirement 1c

Study at least three different fossils, explain their origin and relate them to breaking God’s laws.

Requirement 2a


  • Be able to identify in the sky the North Star, Big Dipper, Little Dipper and Orion.

Requirement 2b

Explain the spiritual significance of Orion as told in Early Writings, p. 41.

Wilderness Explorer Explorer Ribbon.jpeg

Requirement 3

Complete Explorer requirements.

Requirement 4

Record and graph the weather for two weeks at 12-hour intervals. Include temperature, moisture, cloud formation, and wind direction.
Draw or photograph 10 kinds of ferns, and identify correctly.

Completing the first requirement fits nicely with the practical requirements of the Weather and Weather - Advanced honor. If you complete the Weather - Advanced honor you would also meet the next requirement below.

The Ferns option is exactly the same as the practical requirement in the Ferns Honor. Completing Ferns honor meets Requirement 5 below.

Guidance for completing these requirements can be found in the Weather/Weather-Advanced and Ferns honor pages.

Requirement 5

Complete a nature honor, not previously earned. (Skill level 2 or 3)

While there is a large number of Nature honors at Skill Level 2 or 3 to choose from, logical choices might be:

  • Weather-Advanced
  • Ferns
  • Fossils

Wilderness Explorers must complete major requirement of the Weather-Advanced OR Ferns Honors elsewhere in this section. The Exploror requirements differ from but compliment the major requirements of the Fossils honor.