AY Honors/Island Fishing/Requirements

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Island Fishing

Skill Level






Approval authority

General Conference

Island Fishing AY Honor.png
Island Fishing
Outdoor Industries
Skill Level
Approval authority
General Conference
Year of Introduction
See also

1. Name five native methods that are used for island fishing.

2. Demonstrate your ability to make at least one type of fishing gear out of native material used in your area.

3. In your cultural setting identify types of fishing according to tides and phases of the moon.

4. Display and label a collection of baits, lures and hooks traditionally used in your area.

5. Participate in a fishing trip and catch two fish using two different traditional methods.

6. Do the following:

a. Collect pictures of ten tropical fish and identify their local names and their habitation.

b. Name ten poisonous or dangerous fish in your area.