Discuss AY Honor Cold Weather Survival Requirements

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< Talk:AY HonorsTalk:AY Honors/Cold Weather Survival/Requirements

In Requirement 1, parts a-c, "Firestarter etc", are actually part of the answer key, not the requirements. How do I include them in the Answer Key page as part of the answers and not the requirements? Also, can I just delete those from here, the Requirements page? -- w126jep (talk) 12:14, 20 January 2021 (CET)

Yes - you can just replace the req1a, req1b, req1c ansreq templates with the text and delete it from the requirements page. I can attack that... --Jomegat (talk) 22:44, 20 January 2021 (CET)
DONE! --Jomegat (talk) 22:48, 20 January 2021 (CET)