Difference between revisions of "Outdated Insignia/Outdated Physical Fitness Honor/es"

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< Outdated InsigniaOutdated Insignia/Outdated Physical Fitness Honor/es
(Created page with "=Especialidad desactualizada de Educación física=")
(Created page with "===Año cambiado=== 1962")
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=Especialidad desactualizada de Educación física=
=Especialidad desactualizada de Educación física=
===Year Changed===
===Año cambiado===

Revision as of 01:38, 18 June 2019

Other languages:
English • ‎español

Outdated Physical Culture Honor.png

Especialidad desactualizada de Educación física

Año cambiado


Reason Changed

The patch depicts a pair of clubs or meels that are a type of exercise equipment used for developing strength. The wooden clubs are of varying sizes and weights, which were swung in certain patterns as part of a carefully choreographed routine and in unison by a group of exercisers, led by an instructor in front, similar to modern aerobics classes. Clubs ranged from a few pounds to fifty pounds. Physical Culture was changed to Physical Fitness in 1963.

Current Design

Click here to view current requirements and patch --> Physical Fitness