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< AY Honors‎ | Swimming - BeginnerAY Honors/Swimming - Beginner/Answer Key 2
(friend requirement)
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{{honor_header|1|1944|Recreation|General Conference|Swimming_Beginners_Honor.png}}
{{#vardefine:reqpage|{{#titleparts:{{PAGENAME}}|2}}/Requirements 2}}
'''The FRIEND Investiture Achievement requires completion this Honor or the Basic Water Safety Honor.'''<br>
<section begin="Body" />
<!-- 1. Have completed the Water Safety Honor Requirements -->
{{honor_prerequisite|honor=Basic Water Safety}}
==Receive the American Red Cross Level 3 Stroke Development or YMCA equivalent in Swimming–Beginner's OR pass the following requirements:==
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 1 -->
<!-- 2. Water Entry Skills: -->
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 2a -->
'''''Headfirst entry should NOT be taught unless the water depth is at least 9 feet.'''''
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 2b -->
'''''Headfirst entry should NOT be taught unless the water depth is at least 9 feet.'''''
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 2c -->
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 2 -->
<!-- 3. Breath Control and Submerging: -->
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 3a -->
{{ansreq|page={{#var:reqpage}}|num=3b}} <!--T:23-->
{{:Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Swimming Instructor}}
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 3b -->
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 3 -->
<!-- 4. Buoyancy: -->
==Have completed the Water Safety Honor Requirements==
{{ay prerequisite|Recreation|Basic Water Safety}}
==Water Entry Skills:==
===1. Enter water by jumping from the side of the pool, or from into the water from a dock into a safe area for jumping.===
===2. Headfirst entry from the side in a sitting position.===
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 4a -->
'''''Headfirst entry should NOT be taught unless the water depth is at least 9 feet.'''''
{{ansreq|page={{#var:reqpage}}|num=4b}} <!--T:24-->
===3. Headfirst entry from the side in a kneeling position.===
'''''Headfirst entry should NOT be taught unless the water depth is at least 9 feet.'''''
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 4b -->
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 4 -->
<!-- 5. Changing Positions: -->
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 5a -->
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 5b -->
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 5 -->
<!-- 6. Treading Water: -->
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 6a -->
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 6 -->
<!-- 7. Front Swim: -->
==Breath Control and Submerging:==
===1. Bobbing while moving toward safety – demonstrate in chest-deep water at least 5 times. ===
===2. Demonstrate rotary breathing, at least 10 times.===
===1. On front, demonstrate the survival float, at least 30 seconds in deep water.===
===2. On back, demonstrate moving into a back float in deep water, and hold the float at least 30 seconds.===
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 7a -->
{{ansreq|page={{#var:reqpage}}|num=7b}} <!--T:18-->
==Changing Positions:==
===1. Change from a vertical to horizontal position on the front, in deep water.===
===2. Change from a vertical to horizontal position on the back, in deep water.===
==Treading Water:==
===1. Demonstrate treading water for at least 30 seconds in deep water.===
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 7b -->
{{ansreq|page={{#var:reqpage}}|num=7c}} <!--T:20-->
==Front Swim:==
===1. Push off in a streamline position, then begin the flutter kick. Kick in streamline position 3-5 body lengths.===
===2. Push off in a streamline position, then begin the dolphin kick. Demonstrate 3-5 body lengths.===
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 7c -->
===3. Front crawl, at least 15 yards, with good rotary breathing.===
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 7 -->
<!-- 8. Back Swim: -->
==Back Swim:==
===1. Elementary backstroke, demonstrate smooth finning and whip kick for at least 15 yards.===
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 8a -->
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 8 -->
<!-- 9. Side Swim: -->
==Side Swim:==
===1. Demonstrate, at least 10 yards, the side scissors kick.===
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 9a -->
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 9 -->
<!-- 10. Water Safety: -->
==Water Safety:==
===1. Reach or Throw, Don’t Go—reaching assists, demonstrate.===
===2. Think Twice Before Going Near Cold Water or Ice—discuss/demonstrate.===
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 10a -->
===3. Look Before You Leap—understand and demonstrate.===
{{ansreq|page={{#var:reqpage}}|num=10b}} <!--T:25-->
==Passing Skills:==
===Jump into chest-deep water from the side, swim front crawl for 15 yards, maintain positions by treading water or floating for 30 seconds, and swim elementary backstroke for 15 yards.===
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 10b -->
{{ansreq|page={{#var:reqpage}}|num=10c}} <!--T:26-->
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 10c -->
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 10 -->
<!-- 11. Passing Skills: -->
[[Category:Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book|{{SUBPAGENAME}}]]
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 11a -->
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 11 -->
==References== <!--T:16-->

Latest revision as of 20:17, 17 September 2021

Other languages:
Swimming - Beginner

Skill Level






Approval authority

North American Division

Swimming Beginners AY Honor.png
Swimming - Beginner
Skill Level
Approval authority
North American Division
Year of Introduction
See also


Have completed the Water Safety Honor Requirements

For tips and instruction see Basic Water Safety.


Water Entry Skills:


Enter water by jumping from the side of the pool, or from into the water from a dock into a safe area for jumping.


Headfirst entry from the side in a sitting position.

Headfirst entry should NOT be taught unless the water depth is at least 9 feet.


Headfirst entry from the side in a kneeling position.

Headfirst entry should NOT be taught unless the water depth is at least 9 feet.


Breath Control and Submerging:


Bobbing while moving toward safety – demonstrate in chest-deep water at least 5 times.


Demonstrate rotary breathing, at least 10 times.




On front, calmly attempt to demonstrate the survival float, at least 30 seconds in deep water.


On back, calmly attempt to demonstrate moving into a back float in deep water and hold the float at least 30 seconds.


Changing Positions:


Change from a vertical to horizontal position on the front, in deep water.


Change from a vertical to horizontal position on the back, in deep water.


Treading Water:


Demonstrate treading water for at least 30 seconds in deep water.


Front Swim:


Push off in a streamline position, then begin the flutter kick. Kick in streamline position 3-5 body lengths.


Push off in a streamline position, then begin the dolphin kick. Demonstrate 3-5 body lengths.


Front crawl, at least 15 yards, with good rotary breathing.


Back Swim:


Elementary backstroke, demonstrate smooth finning and whip kick for at least 15 yards.


Side Swim:


Demonstrate, at least 10 yards, the side scissors kick.


Water Safety:


Reach or Throw, Don’t Go—reaching assists, demonstrate.


Think Twice Before Going Near Cold Water or Ice—discuss/demonstrate.


Look Before You Leap—understand and demonstrate.


Passing Skills:


Jump into chest-deep water from the side, swim front crawl for 15 yards, maintain positions by treading water or floating for 30 seconds, and swim elementary backstroke for 15 yards.
