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< AY Honors‎ | InternetAY Honors/Internet/Answer Key/es
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|authority=Asociación General
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;Worm: A computer worm is a self-replicating computer program. It uses a network to send copies of itself to other nodes (computers on the network) and it may do so without any user intervention. This is due to the poor security the computers infected have. Unlike a virus, it does not need to attach itself to an existing program. Worms almost always cause at least some harm to the network, if only by consuming bandwidth, whereas viruses almost always corrupt or modify files on a targeted computer.
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<!-- 4. Why is antivirus software important? Include in your answer: -->
<!-- 4. ¿Por qué es importante el programa software del antivirus? Incluir en la respuesta: -->
*Opening an email attachment which was sent by an unknown contact.
*Clicking on a "pop-up" ad in a web page.
*Downloading from the Internet any file that contains a virus.
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The authors of virus and anti-virus programs are in a continual game of cat-and-mouse.  Virus authors are constantly figuring out new ways to get around anti-virus programs, and anti-virus programs are continually updated to thwart the new viruses.  The most successful virus programs are the ones most recently developed.  If you do not keep your anti-virus software program up-to-date, your computer is vulnerable to the newest viruses.
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We might share a file to our friends or family through an email or device without knowing that the file contains virus. The virus might damage our friend's or family's computer or even thumb drive that we use to share files that might contain virus.
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Viruses can damage your files in the computer including software. The damaged software contains a copy of the virus, and can then spread to other computers.  Many viruses will consume computing power on the host, bogging it down and making it unresponsive.  They can attempt to infect other machines over the network, consuming the network's bandwidth and slowing down the Internet connection for all other users in the building (even computers that are not infected).
Many viruses completely take over the computer they infect and can be remotely controlled by the attacker. These attackers can then use the computer to send spam, or mount a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack against their target's web server or computer network.  Sometimes these viruses record keystrokes on the infected computer so that they can capture usernames, passwords, and bank account numbers.  This information can then be forwarded to the attacker who can either use the information or sell it to someone else.
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<!-- 5. In what ways do content filters(programs like Net Nanny™ or AOL Parental Control) protect your family? With your family, develop & sign a Covenant of Family Internet Usage including the following elements: -->
<!-- 5. In what ways do content filters(programs like Net Nanny™ or AOL Parental Control) protect your family? With your family, develop & sign a Covenant of Family Internet Usage including the following elements: -->
*'''a. Never reveal personal information'''
*'''b. Remember that people may not be who they say they are.'''
*'''c. Never meet an online friend in the flesh for the first time without a parent present.'''
*'''d. Never respond to flames'''
*'''e. Stop immediately if you see or read anything that upsets you.'''
*'''f.Time each member of the family may spend on the internet per week. Set boundaries that encourage time for family, homework, and other necessary family activities.'''
*'''g. Types of websites that are acceptable/unacceptable to view.  What are the principles that your family will use to determine what are acceptable? Base these principles on the Bible.'''
An agreement ready to sign has been prepared for you on the third page of the pdf of the Internet Honor requirements on the Pathfinders website:
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To save paper, it is recommended that rather than printing hard-copies of web pages, that the Pathfinder open the three web pages in separate tabs in the browser.  A tab can be opened usually by right-clicking on the link and selecting the "Open page in another tab" option.  In Firefox, clicking the link with the center mouse button (or using both the left and right buttons at the same time) will open the page in a new tab.  Once three tabs have been opened, the instructor can check that the requirement has been met on-screen, without printing anything.
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{{ansreq|page={{#titleparts:{{PAGENAME}}|2|1}}|num=6b}} <!--T:36-->
{{ansreq|page={{#titleparts:{{PAGENAME}}|2|1}}|num=6b}} <!--T:36-->
*i. http://www.biblegateway.com is a great online bible resources, as is http://www.blueletterbible.org .
*ii. http://www.bible.com is another great Bible site with many versions in multiple languages.
*iii. There are thousands of quality Adventist websites, many of them referenced at  http://www.plusline.org.  Quality sites of interest to young adventists include: 
** http://www.pathfindersonline.org
** http://www.adventist.org
** http://www.guidemagazine.org
** http://www.kidsbibleinfo.com .
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{{CloseReq}} <!-- 6b -->
{{ansreq|page={{#titleparts:{{PAGENAME}}|2|1}}|num=6c}} <!--T:37-->
*i. Please use safe sites to download from, such as [http://download.com CNET’s download.com]
[http://pcmagazine.com pcmagazine.com] church websites such as http://plusline.org, http://iiw.org, and http://adventist.org
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{{CloseReq}} <!-- 6c -->
{{CloseReq}} <!-- 6d -->
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{{CloseReq}} <!-- 6 -->
<!-- 7. Demonstrate your ability to use email by demonstrating the following (If necessary, create an email account, with a distinct username and password): -->
<!-- 7. Demostrar la capacidad para utilizar el correco electrónico mediante la demostración de lo siguiente al instructor (si es necesario, crear una cuento de correo electrónico, con unnombre de usario y contraseña): -->
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#Do not reply to unknown emails or Spam.  You’re simply verifying that yours is a “real” email address and you will immediately receive even more junk email.
#Do not open emails with attachments unless you are SURE that they’re okay, and that your antivirus program is fully updated (most are auto-updated these days).
#Report any material sent to you in email that is unsafe or that you feel breaks God’s laws.
#Never respond to "unsubscribe" directions in a spam or UCE (unwanted commercial email) message.
#Keep your computers operating system patches up to date. If you're using Windows, do this from the MS Windows Update site using the Windows Update function.
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<!-- 8. Memorize Philippians 4:8. How does this Bible text guide a Christian’s use of the internet? -->
<!-- 8. Memorizar Filipenses 4:8. ¿Cómo funciona este texto de la Biblia como guía para el cristiano en el uso del Internet? -->
:“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable——if anything is excellent or praiseworthy——think about such things.” Philippians 4:8
Some questions to guide a small group discussion on this text: 
#What do you think the writer, the apostle Paul, would say this text meant for internet users today?
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#What do you think God had in mind when he asked Paul to write down this text? 
#What are some things on the internet that you make use of that match (are consistent with) this Bible text?
#What are some of the things that are on the internet that do not match (are inconsistent) with this Bible message?
#Why do you think this text is important to Christians today?
#What are some ways that we as a club can help each other apply this text to our daily lives?
#What do you think are some ways we can live lives that match (are consistent) with this text?
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Latest revision as of 02:26, 4 January 2023

Other languages:
English • ‎español • ‎français

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Autoridad de aprobación

Asociación General

Internet AY Honor.png
Actividades vocacionales
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
Asociación General
Año de introducción
Vea también


Definir los siguientes términos:




World Wide Web (WWW)


Sala de chat (mensaje instantáneo)






Sitio web


Correo electrónico



* A lo largo de esta especialidad, el término «virus» representa los virus tradicionales, así como troyanos, gusanos y otros códigos maliciosos.


Definir los siguientes términos y dar ejemplos de cada uno:


Correo electrónico


Navegador web


IRC/cliente IM (mensajería instantánea)


Contenido multimedia


Motor de búsqueda y directorios de búsqueda


Programa software antivirus


Cortafuegos (informática es firewall)


Completar uno de los siguientes:


Escribir una breve historia del Internet de 250-300 palabras.


Presentar una charla de dos a tres minutos acerca de la historia del Internet.

Independientemente de la opción elegida, incluir la fecha y los acontecimientos que rodean su origen, los grandes acontecimientos, el nacimiento y el crecimiento de los navegadores web (como Mosaic, Netscape, Internet Explorer) y lo que están haciendo hoy. Recordar, no se trata de una historia de los ordenadores, sino una breve historia del Internet. Se debe hacer una lista de al menos dos de los recursos en línea donde se encontró la información relevante para este reporte.


¿Por qué es importante el programa software del antivirus? Incluir en la respuesta:


¿Cuáles son algunas maneras que se puede recibir un virus a través del Internet?


¿Por qué es importante tener actualizado el programa antivirus para mantener los archivos del equipo seguros?


¿De qué manera no estar protegido puede dar lugar a compartir un virus con otros miembros de la familia y amigos?


¿Qué daño puede hacer un virus a la computadora o a las computadoras de otras personas?


¿De qué manera filterware/control parental (programas como Net Nanny™ o AOL control paterno) protegen a la familia? Desarrollar con su familia y firmar un pacto familiar del uso de Internet que incluya los siguientes elementos:


Mostrar la capacidad para navegar por Internet, demostrando los siguientes:


Visitar al menos tres sitios diferentes (distintos nombres de dominio). Imprimir o mostrar la primera página de cada sitio a su instructor.


Demostrar la capacidad para utilizar un motor de búsqueda para encontrar una página de la Biblia en línea. Ir a la página web, buscar por lo menos tres diferentes textos de la Biblia de memoria en tres diferentes versiones e imprimir o mostrar los resultados al instructor.


Encontrar tres sitios web creados por la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día. Imprimir o mostrar la primera página de cada sitio al instructor.


Descargar un archivo comprimido del Internet (.tar, .zip, etc.) a la unidad de disco duro y descomprimirlo, y utilizar el programa o archivo.


Demostrar la capacidad para utilizar el correco electrónico mediante la demostración de lo siguiente al instructor (si es necesario, crear una cuento de correo electrónico, con unnombre de usario y contraseña):


Crear y enviar mensajes de correo electrónico


Recibir y descargar correo electrónico


Descargar/ver un archivo adjunto


Conocer cinco principios de usar el correo electrónico prudentemente y sin peligro.


Memorizar Filipenses 4:8. ¿Cómo funciona este texto de la Biblia como guía para el cristiano en el uso del Internet?