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In the following century, with a set of ground rules formulated and disputes to be settled, they began the Visitations: a series of tours in which they visited families to record their arms or grant new ones.
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A - Chief
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B - Dexter
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C - Sinister
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D - Base
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E - Dexter Chief
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F - Middle Chief
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G - Sinister Chief
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H - Honour Point
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I - Fess Point
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J - Nombril Point
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K - Dexter Base
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L - Sinister Base
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M - Middle Base (seldom used)
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The centre of the pale in chief is the honour point, the centre of the pale in base is the nombril point, and the exact centre of the shield is the fess point.
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Also, the field can be divided in a number of ways so that different tinctures (colours), and furs (patterns) can appear on them. These are known as charge patterns.
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A full Achievement of Arms can (but not always will) consist of supporters, mantling, a compartment, a motto, a helmet, a wreath, a crest, a badge, a banner, a flag – and more.
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<!-- a. Blasón -->
<!-- a. Blasón -->
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Originally the passport or DNA record of its time, there was no room for ambiguity, since it was used not only to pinpoint identity but also for faithful reproduction.
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<!-- d. Lema -->
<!-- d. Lema -->
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They can use any language (often Latin) and, since they are not included in the descriptive blazon. Also, their tinctures can be independent of the arms.
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<!-- i. Cresta -->
<!-- i. Cresta -->
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Examples include animals, arms holding weapons, or bird's wings.
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<!-- 8. ¿Qué son las cargas gráficas y qué llevó a su introducción? -->
<!-- 8. ¿Qué son las cargas gráficas y qué llevó a su introducción? -->
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The solution – graphical charges – opened a vast, less geometric, array of images.
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Anything seen or imagined could be represented either in its natural colours or in a fanciful, stylised version.
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In the animate category, animals, birds, fish, reptiles, insects and monsters were all possibilities, as were divine or human beings.
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As for inanimate objects, everything appeared from an anchor and an axe to a wheel and a woolpack by way of trees, plants, flowers and celestial objects.
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As the graphical charge established itself as one of the key elements of identification, Heraldry began to reflect a sense of the period and society in which it was created. Further, its development over time clearly demonstrates heraldry’s infinite possibilities and power to adapt.
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<!-- 9. ¿Qué papel juegan las bestias en la heráldica? -->
<!-- 9. ¿Qué papel juegan las bestias en la heráldica? -->
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During the fifteenth century supporters of the shield began to appear in the designs of Coats of Arms and larger animals were ideally suited to the job. In the Royal Arms a lion and a unicorn support the shield and in the City of London’s arms it is a pair of dragons.
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Animals killed for sport and whose various qualities and strengths made them worthy opponents of their hunters soon appeared as graphical charges. All types of deer – stags, hinds, bucks, harts – were popular and were duly followed by bears, boars and wolves. Only later did creatures regarded as vermin – such as foxes, squirrels and rats– make their appearance.
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<!-- 10. Además de los escudos, ¿cuáles han sido los dispositivos heráldicos exhibidos? -->
<!-- 10. Además de los escudos, ¿cuáles han sido los dispositivos heráldicos exhibidos? -->
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Narrow, tapering, sometimes swallow-tailed and often fringed, their length reflected the rank of the owner - from four yards for a Knight to nine yards for the Sovereign. Divided lengthwise into two tinctures, they displayed the owner’s badge, heraldic devices, and occasionally his motto on a bend (but not his coat of arms) and appear to have been used solely for pageantry. No rules seem to have governed their display other than for English standards in the Tudor period when they were particularly popular. At that time standards always bore the cross of St George in the chief, followed by the device, badge or crest of the owner and then his motto.
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Today, like the badge, a standard can still be granted to an owner of arms but its layout follows a regular format. The arms occupy the chief and the badge – sometimes with the crest – is placed on the fly which is crossed diagonally by the motto. The background of the fly can be either of a single tincture or of two set out in a shape echoing that of an Ordinary.
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Square or vertically oblong, a banner was borne by Barons, Knights Bannerets, Princes and the Sovereign. It bore his arms and was his ensign and that of his followers as well as any military division in his command. A Knight Banneret, who ranked above other Knights, was created on the battlefield by the Sovereign personally following an act of extreme gallantry. In the ceremony a pennon had its points torn off, thus becoming a small banner or banneret. The Royal Banner (or Royal Standard’) belongs to the Sovereign. It flies wherever the Sovereign is in residence and appears on whatever mode of transport the Sovereign occupies (car, train, boat, plane).
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Today, any armigerous person (possessor of Letters Patent granting a Coat of Arms) may have a banner and, although personal banners are rarely seen, local authorities and companies regularly fly their banners abovetheir premises. Quarterings and cadency marks and dierencing, (as they appear on the bearer’s shield) are allowed on banners but crests, badges, supporters, etc and impalements (two arms brought together on a single shield) are not.
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A smaller version of a banner, this too was narrow, tapering, and often swallow-tailed and fringed. Borne by a Knight immediately below the head of his lance, it was arranged to be viewed correctly when the lance was horizontal. It displayed the Knight’s badge, or his heraldic device and could repeat the main item on his shield.
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<!-- 11. ¿Cuál es el significado de la insignia en heráldica? -->
<!-- 11. ¿Cuál es el significado de la insignia en heráldica? -->
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In effect, it was the forerunner of a company’s logo. Unlike arms, badges are not hereditary, yet many have passed down the generations, coming to represent a family rather than an individual. The Feathers often refers to the badge of the Prince of Wales.
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The Rose and Crown has particular significance. A rose was used as a badge by both the House of York (in white) and the House of Lancaster (in gold or red) during the ‘Wars of the Roses’ that culminated at Bosworth.
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The victorious Henry VII, in overlaying one with the other, created the Tudor Rose, a royal badge used by English monarchs ever since.
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Although not part of a coat of arms, a heraldic badge – sometimes more than one – is granted only to those who possess arms. And while arms are exclusive to one individual (and his heirs), a badge can be borne by any number of his followers. Today, badges can indicate 'belonging’ or ‘location’ and many sports, clubs, societies, and schools use them.
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<!-- 12. ¿Cómo abordó la heráldica la cuestión de la duplicación de armas entre los hermanos y su padre? -->
<!-- 12. ¿Cómo abordó la heráldica la cuestión de la duplicación de armas entre los hermanos y su padre? -->
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Very early heraldry used a number of methods to achieve this until the 16th century saw the present system of differencing for cadency allocate a special mark to each son in order of seniority.
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Small and of any colour, cadency marks are normally added in the chief of the shield (the rules of tincture usually being upheld). An exception to this location is a quartered shield which combines two or more coats of arms. Here the mark is displayed centrally to overlap all four quarters – unless the mark relates solely to one of the coats in which case it is placed in that quarter.
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The eldest son’s arms bear his cadency mark until his father’s death whereupon it is discarded and he reverts to his father’s ‘plain arms’
since he himself has become head of the family. Cadency marks for all other sons are permanent and descend as part of the arms to
their own sons who duly add their own differencing for cadency.
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Nowadays brothers rarely difference their arms during the life of their father, but often take up the mark when they become heads of
families in their own right. Daughters are allowed to use their father’s arms but are omitted from the cadency system. Single women display their arms on a lozenge shape. Married women can now use a shield (with a lozenge for difference) which must include any cadency mark borne
permanently by their father.
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The mark must also be included when a daughter marries and transmits her arms to her husband. Her arms are then ‘impaled’ in the right-hand (sinister) half of her husband’s shield, alongside his own arms on the left (dexter).
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If, when their father dies, one or more daughters have no brothers, they become heraldic heiresses. On marriage, their own family arms are placed in the centre of their husband’s shield in escutcheon of pretence.
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<!-- 13. ¿Cómo abordaba la organización en heráldica las relaciones entre las partes? -->
<!-- 13. ¿Cómo abordaba la organización en heráldica las relaciones entre las partes? -->
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Early heraldry impaled two coats of arms by dimidiation. Instead of each being squashed to occupy half of the new shield, they were cut vertically through their centres, one half of each being brought together to form the new, rather odd design. The children would display only their father’s arms. Arms descend through a family’s male line. Consequently, upon the death of her father, a daughter does not inherit his arms unless she has no brothers in which case she becomes an ‘heraldic heiress'. Here, upon marriage, her arms are marshalled with those of her husband in escutcheon of pretence: a small version of her shield placed in the centre of her husband’s shield. This arrangement is designed to show that, although the lady is armigerous in her own right, her husband pretends to the representation of her family. Upon her death, their children are entitled to display another form of marshalling: ‘quartering’ her arms with those of their father.

Latest revision as of 02:00, 19 August 2024

Other languages:
English • ‎español
Heráldica - Avanzado

Nivel de destreza






Autoridad de aprobación

Unión Australiana

Heraldry Advanced AY Honor.png
Heráldica - Avanzado
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
Unión Australiana
Año de introducción


Tener la especialidad de Heráldica.

Para consejos e instrucciones, véase Heráldica.


¿Qué papel jugaron los trovadores en la evolución de la heráldica?


Describir por qué y cuándo la heráldica se convirtió en una actividad controlada.


¿Cómo se ha infiltrado la heráldica en el tejido de nuestras vidas?


¿Cuáles son las partes que forman un escudo de armas?


¿Cómo se mostraban las divisiones del campo (escudo)?


¿A qué se aplican los siguientes términos?
















Yelmo (Casco)






¿Qué son las cargas gráficas y qué llevó a su introducción?


¿Qué papel juegan las bestias en la heráldica?


Además de los escudos, ¿cuáles han sido los dispositivos heráldicos exhibidos?


¿Cuál es el significado de la insignia en heráldica?


¿Cómo abordó la heráldica la cuestión de la duplicación de armas entre los hermanos y su padre?


¿Cómo abordaba la organización en heráldica las relaciones entre las partes?
