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===Solar still===
===Solar still===
A solar still can be used to extract pure water from just about anything that is wet.  Start by digging a hole {{units|25cm|10 inches}} deep.  Place a small container in the center of the hole - this will catch the water.  Place damp matter (chopped up cacti, wet leaves, etc) in the hole around the container, and then cover the hole with a transparent plastic sheet.  Weight down the edges of the plastic sheet so that it cannot slip into the hole, and place a small weight (such as a small rock) in the center of the sheet.  This weight should be situated directly over the center of the  container.  As sunlight penetrates the sheet, it evaporates the water from the damp material in the hole.  The water vapor rises until it reaches the sheet, where it condenses.  As the water collects on the underside of the sheet, it runs downhill to the weight where it drips off, and hopefully, falls into the container.
A solar still can be used to extract pure water from just about anything that is wet.  Start by digging a hole {{units|25cm|10 inches}} deep.  Place a small container in the center of the hole - this will catch the water.  Place damp matter (chopped up cacti, wet leaves, etc) in the hole around the container, and then cover the hole with a transparent plastic sheet.  Weight down the edges of the plastic sheet so that it cannot slip into the hole, and place a small weight (such as a small rock) in the center of the sheet.  This weight should be situated directly over the center of the  container.  As sunlight penetrates the sheet, it evaporates the water from the damp material in the hole.  The water vapor rises until it reaches the sheet, where it condenses.  As the water collects on the underside of the sheet, it runs downhill to the weight where it drips off, and hopefully, falls into the container.
===From bodies of freshwater===
You can also collect water from freshwater bodies such as rivers, springs, and lakes, but this water must be purified before using. 
===Melting snow===
If you are in an area that has snow, you can collect it and melt it in a pot.  Do not eat snow, as this will lower your internal body temperature and increase the risk of hypothermia.
==5. Demonstrate two methods of judging the height of a tree and the width of a stream.==
==5. Demonstrate two methods of judging the height of a tree and the width of a stream.==

Revision as of 17:30, 2 July 2007

Template:Honor header

1. Go on at least two weekend campouts during which you learn the skills called for in this honor.

These campouts can be done with your Pathfinder club, with your family, or with friends. You should also look at the requirements for the Pioneering honor, as you may be able to manage both honors on the two trips.

2. Tell five things to do if lost in the wilderness. Know three methods of determining directions without a compass.

What to do when Lost

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Camping/Lost

Determining Direction without a Compass

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Camping/No compass

3. Demonstrate three ways to purify drinking water.

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Camping/Purify water

4. Know three ways to collect drinking water in the wilderness and demonstrate two of these methods.

Catching rain water

This is probably the simplest way to collect drinking water, as long as it rains while you are camping. To catch water, simply stretch a clean tarp between trees such that the tarp is mostly horizontal. As it rains, the water will find its way off the tarp, usually in a stream. Place a basin beneath this stream and wait until it fills. You can also "tip" the water out of the tarp.

Catching dew

You can catch the morning dew by spreading a clean tarp flat on the ground. If a dew falls during the night, you can collect the water by sopping it up with a paper towel and wringing it into a container.

Solar still

A solar still can be used to extract pure water from just about anything that is wet. Start by digging a hole 25cm10 inches deep. Place a small container in the center of the hole - this will catch the water. Place damp matter (chopped up cacti, wet leaves, etc) in the hole around the container, and then cover the hole with a transparent plastic sheet. Weight down the edges of the plastic sheet so that it cannot slip into the hole, and place a small weight (such as a small rock) in the center of the sheet. This weight should be situated directly over the center of the container. As sunlight penetrates the sheet, it evaporates the water from the damp material in the hole. The water vapor rises until it reaches the sheet, where it condenses. As the water collects on the underside of the sheet, it runs downhill to the weight where it drips off, and hopefully, falls into the container.

From bodies of freshwater

You can also collect water from freshwater bodies such as rivers, springs, and lakes, but this water must be purified before using.

Melting snow

If you are in an area that has snow, you can collect it and melt it in a pot. Do not eat snow, as this will lower your internal body temperature and increase the risk of hypothermia.

5. Demonstrate two methods of judging the height of a tree and the width of a stream.

6. Identify four wild animal or bird tracks.

7. Using a compass, follow a course for more than 100 yards (91.4 meters) with three different headings and less than 5% error.

8. Identify in the wild, prepare, and eat ten varieties of wild plants.

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Camping/Ten edible wild plants

9. Have a personal survival kit of 15 items and know how to use each item.

A knife has many uses in a survival situation. It can be used for making fuzz sticks or wood shavings for tinder, carving wooden utensils, cutting cloth, cleaning fish, etc. Its use is limited only by your imagination.
Waterproof matches in a waterproof container
If it gets cold, you will need to light a fire. A fire is also necessary for boiling water (which is one way to purify it).
Metal cup
A metal cup (or a tin can) can be used to hold water while you boil it. It can also be used as a pot for cooking food, and as a dish for eating.
Flint or other firestarter
A magnesium block with a flint is an ideal backup for the matches.
The needle of a compass points to magnetic north.
If you have a map of the area you're in as well as a compass, you should be able to find out where you are and find your way out.
A watch can be used as a compass too.
Waterproof ground cloth and cover
This will help you stay dry, and staying dry is critical for staying warm.
Useful for spotting game, rescue craft, rescue parties, etc.
A whistle can be used for signaling a rescue party. It is far louder than your voice and can be heard even at great distances. Give three blasts on it to signal for help.
Fatty emergency foods
Nuts, peanut butter, chocolate, etc, are high in fat. Fatty foods are packed with calories, and if it gets cold, your body can convert calories into heat.
Food gathering gear
Signaling items
Many uses, especially in building a shelter, or climbing.
Emergency blanket
Emergency blankets (sometimes called space blankets) are very lightweight, foil-like sheets that reflect up to 90% of a persons body heat back towards the person. Cover yourself with it at night.
Aluminum foil
Can be used for cooking, or even shaped into a crude cup for boiling water.

10. Explain the necessity in wilderness living of adequate sleep, proper diet, personal hygiene, and proper exercise.

11. Have the First Aid honor. In addition to the First Aid honor, know the prevention, symptoms, and the first aid treatment for the following:

Template:Ay prerequisite

a. Hypothermia

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/First aid/Hypothermia

b. Venomous snake bite

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/First aid/Snake bite

c. Heat and sunstroke

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/First aid/Heat stroke

d. Heat exhaustion

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/First aid/Heat exhaustion

e. Poison ivy and poison oak

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/First aid/Poison ivy

f. Open wound infection

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/First aid/Infection

g. Altitude sickness

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/First aid/Altitude sickness

h. Dehydration

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/First aid/Dehydration

12. Demonstrate two ways to signal for help.

13. Demonstrate the principles of stalking and concealment.

14. Explain how to prepare and provide shelter on the following:

a. Snow slopes

b. Rocky areas

c. Swamps and marshes

d. Forests and tundra

15. Prepare a balanced menu for two people for a weekend. Prepare these meals while on a campout over an open fire or a camp stove.

16. Know ways to observe wilderness etiquette and how you can contribute to wilderness conservation.

17. Demonstrate how to tie the following knots and know their uses:

a. Bowline

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Knot/Bowline

b. Bowline on a bight

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Knot/Bowline on a bight

c. Clove hitch

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Knot/Clove hitch

d. Double fisherman's

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Knot/Double fishermans

e. Figure eight

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Knot/Figure 8

f. Prusik

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Knot/Prusik

g. Taut-line hitch

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Knot/Taut-line hitch

h. Two half hitches

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Knot/Two half hitches

i. Square

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Knot/Square
