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< AY Honors‎ | Christian Art of PreachingAY Honors/Christian Art of Preaching/Answer Key
(Create from GC requirements)
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|honorname=Christian Art of Preaching
|honorname=Christian Art of Preaching
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|authority=General Conference

Revision as of 22:32, 22 March 2015

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Template:Honor desc Template:Honor Master

1. Discuss the reasons / benefits of earning a Christian Art of Preaching Honor.

2. Define homiletic and cite your resources.

3. Define exegesis and cite your resources.

4. Investigate the meaning and history of oratory.

Define oratory

Research a few of the great speakers of Adventist history, making a brief report of:
A speaker from our early beginnings
A speaker from our modern history
A distinguished speaker in your country

Cite your sources.

5. Briefly describe the following, in terms of a Christian sermon: Characteristics:

Thematic sermon
Expository sermon
Textual sermon Parts

6. Show the appropriate use of these tools:

Biblical dictionary

Biblical concordance

Thematic Study Bibles

Online sources (Bibles, dictionaries, concordances, study aids, illustrations)

7. Prepare and present a detailed outline of a sermon in writing.

8. Do one of the following activities:

Participate in a course on Christian preaching (obtain a certificate)

Preach for a church worship (turn in the sermon outline)

Present a brief summary on an event that the Club or the church participated in

Have the outline of at least ten Christian sermons

9. Participate (or have participated) in the preaching at your church (or a district church) at least four times in the period of a year.

10. Obtain, for your personal collection, a book of sermon illustrations.
