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<u>'''Gospel in Colours:'''</u><br>
'''<span style="color:#000000">Black</span>''' - Everyone messes up and falls short of God’s glory (Romans 3:23).
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'''<span style="color:#f44336">Red </span>''' - The blood of Jesus shed at the cross is evidence of the lengths God is willing to go to show His love (John 3:16).
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''<span style="color:#bcbcbc">White</span>''' - If we are willing to apologise, God is willing to forgive and cleanse us (1 John 1:9).
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''<span style="color:#08c930">Green</span>''' - We can continue to grow in a relationship with Him (2 Peter 3:18).
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''<span style="color:#e8f436">Yellow</span>''' - God has promised to take anyone who has a relationship with Him home to heaven (John 14:1–3).
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<u>'''The ABCs of the Gospel:'''</u><br>
'''A'''-dmit you are a sinner.
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'''B'''-elieve completely that Jesus died for you, so that by asking for forgiveness, you can accept the gift of eternal life.
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'''C'''-hoose to turn away from anything that keeps you from having a strong ongoing relationship with Jesus and share His story with others.
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<u>'''The Gospel in Three Circles:'''</u><br>
Circle 1: We’re all born broken. We live in a broken world. (Brokenness)
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Revision as of 16:51, 30 December 2021

Other languages:
English • ‎español
Transformador del mundo

Nivel de destreza






Autoridad de aprobación

División del Pacífico Sur

World Changer AY Honor.png
Transformador del mundo
Crecimiento espiritual, actividades misioneras y herencia
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
División del Pacífico Sur
Año de introducción


Con la ayuda y aprobación de sus líderes:


Planificar su viaje para convertirse en un transformador del mundo para Jesús.


Encontrar su compañero de oración para compartir en este viaje.


En pocas palabras explicar:


Lo que significa ser un transformador del mundo para Jesús.


Cómo Jesús puede ayudarle a convertirse en un transformador del mundo.


Seleccionar cinco amigos por los que orará diariamente.


Leer el capítulo 17 de Juan y documentar su vida devocional personal llevando un diario, describiendo su vida de oración, durante al menos cinco días.


Demostrar algunas formas en que un transformador del mundo puede iniciar una conversación acerca de Jesús. Incluir los siguientes enfoques: iniciador indirecto, iniciador directo y la «pila de palabras».


Explicar tres cosas que debe hacer genuinamente al llevar a las personas a Jesús.


Debe ser creíble


Debe ser relacional


Debe ser intencional


Demostrar los pasos para realizar una lectura o un estudio bíblico.


Antes de la lectura de la Biblia


Durante la lectura de la Biblia


Después de la lectura de la Biblia


En unos pocos párrafos, describir su propio testimonio o el testimonio de alguien a quien respete. Adaptar las tres etapas basándose en el testimonio del apóstol Pablo:
a. Antes de conocer a Jesús
b. Encontrarse con Jesús (es decir, conversión)
c. Después de conocer a Jesús


Elegir una de las «maneras fáciles de compartir el evangelio» y demostrarlo compartiendo la historia con otra persona.

Circles 2: But God originally designed us with a purpose (God's design) and we lived in God's purpose unbroken for a while.

Arrow 1: But when humanity sinned (arrow from God's design to our brokenness), which led to our brokenness. We try to get out of our brokenness by being good, successful, going to church, addictions.

Circle 3: We cannot get out of our brokenness, so God sent Jesus Christ. He led a perfect life and He willingly died on a cross in our place. He rose again and conquered death, then returned to heaven.

Arrow 2: The Bible says, if we turn from our sin and believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose again, we will live.

Arrow 3: As believers in Jesus, we will be able to recover God's design and pursue His purpose for our life. Our role is to share the gospel with others who also need salvation and restoration.

Appeal: You can close the conversation with a question like: "Which circle would you like to be in, brokenness or God's design?" If your friend is still in a state of brokenness, invite your friend to recover God's design for his or her life by turning and believing that Jesus died for their sin and brokenness. If they are willing or interested, begin Discovery Bible Readings with them and lead them into a better understanding of God and His will for their lives. You can also ask them to share their story with a friend, for example: "Who will you tell now that you have become a follower of Jesus?"


En un grupo de al menos tres personas, comenzar a leer algunas de sus historias favoritas de la Biblia.


No olvidar de continuar orando por la guía del Espíritu Santo mientras presenta a otros a Jesús, nuestro Amigo y Salvador personal. No dejar de brindar apoyo y aliento a aquellos a quienes ha contribuido a transformar su mundo.
