AY Honors/World Changer/Answer Key

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World Changer

Skill Level






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South Pacific Division

World Changer AY Honor.png
World Changer
Spiritual Growth, Outreach and Heritage
Skill Level
Approval authority
South Pacific Division
Year of Introduction


With the help and approval of your leaders:


Plan your journey to become a World Changer for Jesus.

Throughout our lives we go on many, many journeys. It could be just to visit a friend who lives minutes away or to an exotic place on the other side of the world. Think about it. We automatically plan the journey – transport, what to take, when, why . . .

Becoming a World Changer entails a more important journey. For real World Changers, it involves the exciting journey of a lifetime. However, these World Changers had to start somewhere. That’s the purpose of this honour; to up-skill potential World Changers into the ranks of the real ones. It makes sense to plan this journey.

Many Pathfinder Honours can be successfully completed in a relatively short time; say a few days at most.


Find your prayer partner to share your journey.

Finding a suitable prayer partner involves a dose of creativity combined with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Here are some suggestions to get started:

  • A trusted friend
  • Relative (sibling, mother, father, grand parent, uncle/aunt, cousin, etc.
  • Church leader (Pastor, Elder, Pathfinder/Youth Leader, etc.)
  • For the really daring, an 'elderly' spiritual 'saint' – that elderly woman person who is everyone’s grandma or grandpa. They will love it!


In a few words explain:


What it means to be a World Changer for Jesus.


How Jesus can help you become a World Changer.


Select five friends you will pray for daily.

You need to outline that the people they pray for are not the leaders in the church, but friends they know who don’t know Jesus. People who may not have ever prayed before, or people who may know about God but are not attending church. They also need to be people who the Pathfinders will be spending time with for more than one weekend camp for example. They need to have an ongoing relationship with those they are praying for.


Read John Chapter 17 and document your personal devotional life by keeping a journal, outlining your prayer life, for at least five days.


Demonstrate some ways a World Changer can start a conversation about Jesus. Include the following approaches: indirect starter, direct starter and the 'Word Stack'.


Explain three things you must genuinely do when leading people to Jesus.


You must be credible


You must be relational


You must be intentional


Demonstrate the steps on how to conduct a Bible reading or study.


Before the Bible reading


During the Bible reading


After the Bible reading


In a few paragraphs, outline either your own testimony or the testimony of someone you respect. Adapt the three stages based on the testimony of Paul the Apostle:
a. Before you met Jesus
b. Meeting Jesus (i.e. conversion)
c. After you met Jesus

Some Pathfinders may not have had a conversion experience and this could become quite intimidating for them. The option of writing out someone else’s testimony may relieve the stress for some Pathfinders. Other Pathfinders may feel that they have always loved Jesus and may not have had a memorable conversion moment in their lives. Another way of explaining a testimony is to ask the question: "Has there been a time when Jesus became a personal friend? When your faith became personal to you? It could have been at a summer camp, an outreach program, or at church."

There are many young people who feel they need to have a dramatic life and a dramatic change to become a Christian. This is not true. What better testimony that the life of a young person who have always loved Jesus. Share the stories of Bible heroes like Samuel, Joseph, Daniel and others who stood tall even in their youth for Jesus. These can be great teaching moments during your teaching time. Assure all within your group, that no matter what their journey Jesus loves them and wants to help them with their lives. Another great way to help a person is to ask them: How has Jesus been good to you. This will open up many stories that are worth sharing. The point here is that every young person can know and have a lovely testimony without having to leave the church.


Choose one of the "Easy Ways to Share the Gospel" and demonstrate by sharing the story with another person.

The Bridge Connection:

Gospel in Colours:
Black - Everyone messes up and falls short of God’s glory (Romans 3:23).

Red - The blood of Jesus shed at the cross is evidence of the lengths God is willing to go to show His love (John 3:16).

White - If we are willing to apologise, God is willing to forgive and cleanse us (1 John 1:9).

Green - We can continue to grow in a relationship with Him (2 Peter 3:18).

Yellow - God has promised to take anyone who has a relationship with Him home to heaven (John 14:1–3).

The ABCs of the Gospel:
A-dmit you are a sinner.

B-elieve completely that Jesus died for you, so that by asking for forgiveness, you can accept the gift of eternal life.

C-hoose to turn away from anything that keeps you from having a strong ongoing relationship with Jesus and share His story with others.

The Gospel in Three Circles:
Circle 1: We’re all born broken. We live in a broken world. (Brokenness)

Circles 2: But God originally designed us with a purpose (God's design) and we lived in God's purpose unbroken for a while.

Arrow 1: But when humanity sinned (arrow from God's design to our brokenness), which led to our brokenness. We try to get out of our brokenness by being good, successful, going to church, addictions.

Circle 3: We cannot get out of our brokenness, so God sent Jesus Christ. He led a perfect life and He willingly died on a cross in our place. He rose again and conquered death, then returned to heaven.

Arrow 2: The Bible says, if we turn from our sin and believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose again, we will live.

Arrow 3: As believers in Jesus, we will be able to recover God's design and pursue His purpose for our life. Our role is to share the gospel with others who also need salvation and restoration.

Appeal: You can close the conversation with a question like: "Which circle would you like to be in, brokenness or God's design?" If your friend is still in a state of brokenness, invite your friend to recover God's design for his or her life by turning and believing that Jesus died for their sin and brokenness. If they are willing or interested, begin Discovery Bible Readings with them and lead them into a better understanding of God and His will for their lives. You can also ask them to share their story with a friend, for example: "Who will you tell now that you have become a follower of Jesus?"


In a group of at least three people, begin reading some of your favourite stories in the Bible.


Don’t forget to continue to pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit as you introduce others to Jesus, our personal Friend and Saviour. Don’t cease to provide support and encouragement to those whom you've played a part in changing their world.
