AY Honor World Changer

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World Changer

Skill Level






Approval authority

South Pacific Division

World Changer AY Honor.png
World Changer
Spiritual Growth, Outreach and Heritage
Skill Level
Approval authority
South Pacific Division
Year of Introduction


The honour is aligned with the World Changers Bible Project, 2019. Too often people scoff and condemn the Bible. The silly part is that many of these people have never looked inside a Bible, let alone taken the effort to adsorb what it is really about.

This honour is all about how to call on Divine assistance through prayer and thoughtful, disciplined study. Then, the best part, gives practical advice on how to introduce friends to Jesus, the Saviour of the world. Yep! This is being a real World Changer!

The Challenging Part

The most challenging requirement of this honor is probably this:

9. Choose one of the "Easy Ways to Share the Gospel" and demonstrate by sharing the story with another person.