2. Know the value of disrobing before making a swimming rescue. Practice disrobing on dry land in 20 seconds or less. Disrobe yourself of your shoes, socks, pants, belt, and shirt. Don't be alarmed-you are allowed a swimming suit underneath!
3. Know the value of avoiding contact with a victim. Know the tactics of leading and waiting. Know the value of using equipment in a rescue.
4. Learn to properly do the following non-swimming rescues:
a. Three different kinds of body reaching rescues
b. A wading rescue
c. Free-floating support rescue
d. Three different kinds of throing assists=
5. Know the points to be considered in the following when rescuing:
a. Condition of the victim
b. Condition of the rescuer
c. Condition of the environment
6. Surface dive in eight feet of water, recovering various objects three times and a ten-pound weight once.
7. Swim 100 yards (91.4 meters), using the lifesaving stroke.
8. Learn to properly do the following defenses:
a. Block
b. Block and carry
c. Block and turn
9. Learn to properly do the following releases and escapes:
a. Double-grip-on-one-wrist release
b. Escape from double grip on wrist
c. Front head-hold release
d. Escape from front head hold
e. Rear-head-hold release
f. Escape from rear head hold
g. Double drowning release
10. Learn to properly do the following assists:
a. Arm assist on front
b. Arm assist on back
c. Arm assist by two rescuers
d. Tired swimmer assist
11. Learn to properly do the following approaches:
a. Rear approach - armpit level-off
b. Rear approach - chin level-off
c. Rear approach with two-hand level-off
d. Front surface approach
e. Underwater approach
f. Approach by diving to rear of victim
12. Correctly approach 30 feet (9.1 meters) and correctly carry 30 feet (9.1 meters), using the following carries:
a. Cross-chest
b. Cross-chest control
c. Hair
d. Wrist
e. Shirt or collar
13. Complete a minimum of three hours of being instructed in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or have the CPR Honor.