AY Honors/Animal Tracking/Answer Key

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1. Know ten kinds of tracks, including two kinds of bird tracks. Make plaster casts of five.

To do this, you will need to bring dry plaster of Paris, water, a mixing container, a mixing stick (a paint stirrer will do nicely), and something to make rings out of. Plaster of Paris can be bought either dry, or ready-mixed. It is probably better to get the dry type so that you can mix it on site. It will need to be soupy to make a detailed cast. When you find a suitable track, place a ring around it. The ring can be made from almost anything - a tin can with the bottom cut out, a paper cup with the bottom removed, a strip of poster board 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide and taped together at the ends to form a circle, etc. Make sure the ring is larger than the track. You can also make the cast without a ring, but it is much better if you use one. Once the ring is in place, mix just enough plaster and water to fill the ring up to one inch (2.5 cm) deep. It sets quickly, so you will not want to mix up too much at a time. Mix water with the dry plaster and stir it until it is smooth. It should be about the same consitency as pancake batter or apple sauce. Pour it into the ring. Once this is done, you can set out in search of more tracks, or you can wait until the plaster sets. If you set out for more, be sure to come back to collect your cast.

One good way to complete this requirement is by heading to a river right after flooding has receded. There will likely be plenty of easily identifiable kinds of tracks, and the smooth mud makes for excellent casting.






Raccoon (Procyon lotor)

Where found: North America
Description:' A raccoon is a nocturnal mammal in the genus Procyon of the Procyonidae family. Raccoons are unusual for their thumbs, which – though not opposable – enable them to open many closed containers such as garbage cans and doors. They are intelligent omnivores with a reputation for being clever and mischievous. Raccoons range from 50 to 100 cm in length (including the tail) and weigh between 4.5 and 16 kg. The raccoon's tail ranges from 20 to 40 cm in length. Male raccoons are generally larger than females.


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Rabbit (Lagomorpha)

Where found: Many parts of the world
Description:' There are several types of rabbits that leave this type of track, including the Eastern Cottontail (shown), Desert Hare, New England Cottontail, Pikas, and many others. Note that the prints in the front (top of the diagram) are from the hind legs, while the forefeet leave the two aligned prints in the rear. As a rabbit hops, it throws its forelegs between its hind legs, thus leaving the print as shown.


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White-Tailed Deer

White-Tailed Deer



White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus)

Where found: Throughout most of the continental United States, southern Canada, Mexico, Central America and northern portions of South America as far south as Peru.
Description:' The deer can be recognised by the characteristic white underside to its tail, which it shows as a signal of alarm by raising the tail during escape. The male (also known as a buck) usually weighs from 130 to 220 pounds (60 to 100 kg) but, in rare cases, animals in excess of 350 pounds (160 kg) have been recorded. The female (doe) usually weighs from 90 to 130 pounds (40 to 60 kg), but some can weigh as much as 165 to 175 pounds (75 or 80 kg). The deer's coat is a reddish-brown in the spring and summer and turns to a grey-brown throughout the fall and winter. Males one year of age or older have antlers. Antlers begin to grow in early spring, covered with a highly vascularised tissue known as velvet.


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Mule Deer

Mule Deer

Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus)


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Wapiti (or Elk)

Wapiti (or Elk)

Wapiti (or Elk) (Cervus canadensis)


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Moose (Alces alces)


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Black Bear

Black Bear

Black Bear (Ursus americanus)


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Brown Bear

Brown Bear

Brown Bear (Ursus arctos)


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Beaver (Castor canadensis)


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Muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus)


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Dog (Canis lupus familiaris)


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Coyote (Canis latrans)


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Wolf (Canis lupus)


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Cat (Felis silvestris)


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Bobcat/Lynx (Lynx rufus,)


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Mouse (Mus musculus)


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Horse (Equus caballus)


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Cattle (Bos taurus)


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Pig (Sus domestica)


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Squirrel (Sciuridae)


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Mountain Lion

Mountain Lion

Mountain Lion (Puma concolor)


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Oppossum (Didelphis virginiana)


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Porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum)

Where found: This animal is usually found in coniferous and mixed forested areas in Canada, Alaska and much of the northern and western United States. They are also found in thicketed areas in shrublands, tundra and deserts as far south as northern Mexico. It makes its den in a hole in a tree or in a rocky area.
Description:' Porcupines are usually dark brown or black in colour, with white highlights. They have a chunky body, a small face, short legs and a short thick tail. Their upper parts are covered with thousands of sharp, barbed hollow spines or quills, which are used for defense. Porcupines do not throw their quills, but the quills detach easily and the barbs make them difficult to remove once lodged in an attacker. The quills are normally flattened against to the body unless the animal is disturbed. The porcupine also swings its quilled tail towards a perceived threat. Porcupines are mainly active at night; on summer days, they often rest in trees. During the summer, they eat twigs, roots, stems, berries and other vegetation. In the winter, they mainly eat conifer needles and tree bark. They do not hibernate but sleep a lot and stay close to their dens in winter. The strength of the porcupine's defense has given it the ability to live a solitary life, unlike many herbivores.


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Skunk (Mephitis mephitis)

Where found: Most of the North American continent north of Mexico
Description:' The Striped Skunk has a black body with a white stripe along each side of its body; the two stripes join into a broader white area at the nape. Its forehead has a narrow white stripe. About the size of a house cat, it weighs 6 to 14 pounds (2.7-6.3 kg) with a body length (excluding the tail) of 13 to 18 inches (33-46 cm). The bushy tail is 7 to 10 inches long (18-25 cm), and sometimes has a white tip. The presence of a Striped Skunk is often first made apparent by its odor. It has well-developed anal scent glands (characteristic of all skunks) that can emit a highly unpleasant odor when the skunk feels threatened by another animal. The skunk is primarily nocturnal. Beginning its search for food shortly after sundown, it feeds on mice, eggs, carrion, insects, grubs, and berries. At sunrise, it retires to its den, which may be in a ground burrow, or beneath a building, boulder, or rock pile. While the male dens by itself, several females may live together. The Striped Skunk does not hibernate.


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Mink (Mustela vison)

Where found: Alaska, Canada and most of the United States
Description:' Their long slim body is covered in glossy, thick dark brown or black fur with a white patch under the chin. They have short legs with partially webbed feet, which make them excellent swimmers. They can be found in wooded areas and fields near streams and lakes. They dig burrows in river banks or take over dens abandoned by other animals. They feed on small mammals, fish, crayfish, frogs and other amphibians, also sometimes eating birds, insects and earthworms. These animals are mainly active at night and do not hibernate.


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Fisher (')


{{Animal sign
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Otter (')


{{Animal sign
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Weasel (')


{{Animal sign
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Badger (')


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{{Animal sign
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Reptiles and Amphibians

Snake (')


{{Animal sign
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Frog (')


{{Animal sign
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Toad (')


{{Animal sign
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Example: Template loop detected: Template:Animal sign </noinclude>

Turtle (')


{{Animal sign
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Crow (')


{{Animal sign
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Robin (')


{{Animal sign
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Pigeon (')


{{Animal sign
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Sparrow (')


{{Animal sign
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Heron (')


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Herring Gull (')


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Sand Piper (')


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Canada Goose (')


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Duck (')


{{Animal sign
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Example: Template loop detected: Template:Animal sign </noinclude>

Grouse (')


{{Animal sign
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Example: Template loop detected: Template:Animal sign </noinclude>

Turkey (')


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Example: Template loop detected: Template:Animal sign </noinclude>

2. Name at least three things that tracks tell us.

Animal tracks can tell us many things about the animal that made them, including:

  1. The species
  2. Its direction of travel
  3. How fast it was going
  4. How large it was
  5. How long ago the animal made the tracks.
  6. Sometimes tracks can tell the gender of the animal
  7. Sometimes tracks can tell us the animal's age.

3. Trail some animal tracks, identify the animal if possible, and tell whether it was running or walking. Measure between the tracks of one animal when running and walking.

4. Maintain a tracking station for at least three days by doing the following:

a. Select a flat open space in some quiet place near your camp or home.

Do not select a space too close to your campsite, because you do not want to attract them into your camp. Animals need water, so a really good place to select is around a source of fresh water. River banks, stream banks, near ponds, and the shores of lakes are all good places to fin animal tracks. However, the place you select must be quiet. Avoid places that are frequented by people.

b. Smooth out ground, mud, sand, etc.

There may already be some tracks in the area, but you are interested in fresh tracks. Smoothing the ground erases them and allows for fresh prints.

c. Place food out for wildlife.

Another option is to use a salt or mineral block. The type of food you place will affect the type of animals you attract, as will the season. If there is plenty of food available without your "bait," the animals will be suspicious and stay away. However, if they are hungry (as in winter) or if the food you select is irresistable, they will be more likely to come. Sliced apples out of season will attract many types of animals.

d. Check each day for tracks and replenish food when necessary.

When camping, remember to store your food in a place where the animals cannot get to it. Seal it tightly and place it out of the reach of raccoons and bears (both of which are very clever at getting food). Under no circumstances should you store food in a tent - especially in one that people will be sleeping in. A tent is no barrier to a hungry skunk. The morning is the best time to check for tracks. Most forest creatures are nocturnal, so in the morning the tracks will be freshest. Also, human visitors are less likely to trample the tracks before you get a chance to observe and if necessary, cast them.

5. Name two animals for each tracking group.

a. Flatfoots

b. Toe walkers

c. Toenail walkers

d. Bounders or long hindleggers

6. Name four signs of the presence of mammals.

Animals leave many indications that they were present. These are collectively called sign. Sign includes:

Not only footprints, but marks left on the ground by the tail or by other body parts (think snakes).
Scat is another word for animal droppings or manure.
Fur, skin, feathers, and antlers
Animals may leave bits of fur behind if it gets caught in a tree's bark, or in thorns. Snakes and other reptiles shed their skin and leave it behind. Birds drop feathers and in the fall deer drop antlers.
Cuttings are things such as acorn shells which have been nibbled on. Deer and squirrel often leave them behind.
Scratches on trees
Bears, members of the cat family, and other predators will sharpen their claws on tree trunks. Sometimes they will do this to mark their territory.
Scent Posts
Many animals mark their territory by urinating on trees or other prominent items. If you are walking through the woods and smell a strong musky odor, look around — you may find other sign.
Once a predator has had its fill of a kill, it will leave the carcass. Some animals will guard their carcasses though so they can feed on them again after they've digested some of the previous meal, so be careful if you find one.

7. Distinguish between rabbit and squirrel tracks, and between dog and cat family tracks.

8. Name two groups of animals (mammals, birds, insects, etc.) that leave tracks or scent trails that another of their kind can follow.

9. Name two birds for each of the following type of tracks:

a. Hopping

b. Walking

10. Besides tracks, give two other signs of the presence of birds.

11. Name two birds identified by their flying patterns.

12. In your area, observe tracks or trail of one or more of the following:

a. Toad or frog

b. Snake

c. Turtle

d. Mollusk

e. Earthworm

f. Mole
