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< Talk:Adventist Youth Honors Answer BookTalk:Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/es /
Revision as of 02:07, 9 March 2016 by Jomegat (talk | contribs)

Quilting in Spanish is showing up with its two variants in the list and I am not sure how to make them not show. I don't remember if it has to do something with primary and secondary categories. How can I get only the one to show up in the list on the main page? --w126jep (talk) 08:15, 20 October 2015 (EDT)

Yes, the Honor_desc/es template isn't handling the primary element correctly. If it's defined, it points to the page that serves as the "primary" anchor for that honor.
The logic for adding the page to either a primary or secondary category (which is what allows or disallow its display by the index) is a bit convoluted because the wiki if syntax is not terribly flexible. I'll give it a go in English (rather than in wiki):
IF the page specifies a primary argument THEN
  add the page to category:AYHAB/Primary
  IF the page ends with "/en"
    add the page to category:AYHAB/Secondary
    add the page to category:AYHAB/Primary
    add the page to category:AYHAB/Primary/{{{primary}}}
The Spanish version of the template lacks all of that. I'd add it, but it's late, I'm tired, and it is a fairly complex operation that will break a lot of stuff if I blow it. The easy work-around until then is to manually add the quilting pages to category:AYHAB/Secondary. --Jomegat (talk) 00:10, 21 October 2015 (EDT)
So I tried to give it a go, but I could not figure out really how to make the function specify when to put into primary and secondary categories. What happens is that the honor_desc/es template puts all of the honors into the Secondary category and there is nothing in Primary category. I am not sure how to fix that. --w126jep (talk) 01:07, 22 October 2015 (EDT)
See... it's complicated! I'll need to think about it, but my second idea is that we should add a Primary/es category and make all the Spanish indices use that. Maybe? --Jomegat (talk) 11:47, 22 October 2015 (EDT)

Somehow, I was able to resolve this issue. I don't remember exactly what I did, but I think it had to do something with making Spanish categories and then fixing the template to make sure they were categorized correctly. Don't remember, either way, it now works fine!

Also, I've been deleting a lot of the "/en" pages in hopes that it will help somewhat resolve the slowness of the Wiki; especially in places like the unused categories. If you think about it, if every Spanish translation continues to inadvertently make /en pages, then you have almost an entire Wiki site just with /en pages! Having that many useless pages might bog down the system, right? Or am I just clueless in this issue? --w126jep (talk) 20:30, 7 March 2016 (EST)

That probably doesn't affect it too much. Databases are very good at sifting through even very large data sets. --Jomegat (talk) 21:07, 8 March 2016 (EST)