Especialidades JA/Geocaching (Búsqueda por GPS)/Respuestas 2

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División Norteamericana

Actividades recreacionales

Destreza: 1
Año de introducción: 2005


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Búsqueda por tesoros usando un sistema de posicionamiento global (geocaching) es un juego entretenido de aventura al aire libre para los usuarios de GPS. Participar en una búsqueda de tesoros es una buena manera de tomar ventaja de las características maravillosas y la capacidad de una unidad de GPS. La idea básica es que los individuos y las organizaciones crean escondites por todo el mundo y comparten las ubicaciones de estos tesoros en internet. Los usuarios de GPS pueden utilizar las coordenadas de ubicación para encontrar los tesoros. Una vez encontrado, un tesoro puede proporcionar al visitante una amplia variedad de premios. Sólo se les pide a todos los visitantes es que si se llevan algo del escondite, deberían tratar de dejar algo también.

  • Membresía de Geocaching
  • Un dispositivo GPS o un teléfono móvil
  • La aplicación de geocaching y acceso a la aplicación
  • Otras herramientas no tecnológicas que puede llevar, que incluyen:
    • Libros de registro adicionales
    • Bolígrafos/lápices
    • Antorcha/linterna frontal
    • Baterias de repuesto
    • Protector solar
    • Sombrero
    • Poncho de lluvia
    • Agua
    • Herramienta-múltiple
    • Botín
    • Herramienta de agarre
    • Espejo retráctil

En cada caché en la ubicación final, el contenedor tiene un registro que consta de papel, un librito, un rollo de papel donde el que lo encuentra escribe el nombre de la pista, el nombre del caché y la fecha de búsqueda. Estos normalmente estarían dentro de una bolsa de plástico dentro del contenedor. Recuerde reemplazarlo y sellar bien el contenedor. Otros tipos que son virtual, earthcaches y varios diferentes no tienen un contenedor real.

La persona que crea el caché y lo envía a los revisores para su publicación. Tienen control de los registros por internet de los que buscan y pueden eliminar si es necesario. Es su responsabilidad mantener su caché.

Alguien que no es geocacher. Basado en el término «muggle», de la saga de Harry Potter, que define a las personas sin poderes mágicos.

Una vez que haya registrado un caché encontrado en la página por internet, el cuadro verde o signo de interrogación (?) etc. en el mapa cambia a un emoticón de una sonrisa. Un círculo amarillo con una cara sonriente que significa que lo ha encontrado. En su perfil por internet se recopilan sus hallazgos. Entonces, al lado de su nombre habrá un emoticón de sonrisa con su número total de hallazgos.

La mayoría de los geocachers no usan su propio nombre para su nombre de usuario. Esto es para mantenerse un poco más privado. Sea creativo y tenga el suyo propio que signifique algo para usted.

Una chapa con un código único que puede unirse a un objeto. El rastreable se mueve entonces de caché en caché (o de persona en persona) en el mundo real, y su progreso puede ser seguido en También conocidos como travel bugs, TBs y geocoins.

Los geocachés vienen en todos los tamaños, desde el tamaño de un borrador de lápiz grande hasta el tamaño de un casillero escolar o un edificio. Lo importante es que el contenedor sea impermeable y resistente a la intemperie, se pueda abrir y cerrar, y pueda contener por lo menos un registro de papel para que los geocachers lo firmen cuando encuentren el geocaché.

El tamaño más pequeño de geocaché. Los micros son del tamaño aproximado de un carrete de fotos, a veces incluso más pequeños. Los nanos (del tamaño aproximado de la goma de borrar que llevan incorporada algunos lapiceros) son una categoría dentro de los micros.

Los más diminutos entre los micros—el menor de los tamaños (no oficial) de geocaché. Los nanos tienen el tamaño aproximado de la goma de borrar que llevan incorporada algunos lapiceros.

The original geocache was a large container geocache, a 5-gallon bucket in the woods near Portland Oregon. 5-gallon "paint buckets," old coolers, treasure chests, and even storage lockers all fall into this category. These are relatively rare, and can be very unique hides.

Any container that is unusually shaped or sized fits in this category. Camouflaged zip-locks, long PVC-pipe hides, as well as earthcaches and virtuals display this size of hide.

This is the original cache type consisting, at a bare minimum, a container and a logbook. Normally you'll find a Tupperware container, ammo box, or bucket filled with goodies. The coordinates listed on the traditional cache page is the exact location for the cache. The general rule of thumb is, "If you take an item, leave an item of equal or greater value, and write in the logbook." Some caches are themed, so make sure to read the description before going on a hunt.

This is a cache where you may have to visit multiple locations close within 8 km of the listed coordinates. At each of these stages you will need to gather the information required and work out using instructions on the cache page the coordinates for the final. The container at the final will usually hold the log to record your visit and swaps and possibly a pen or pencil. Some multi caches are a simple 2 stage but some may have 10 or more stages increasing the skill level and of course enjoyment.

Usually called an Unknown cache and is displayed on the map with a ?. These can be puzzle caches where you may have to spend lots of time deciphering a code or puzzle before you go to find the container. The container usually is NOT at the listed coordinates. You can have lots of fun and frustration solving these. You can also message others who have found it or even the CO for some further hints. A useful web page to help solve these The final is usually withing 5 km of given location.

This is not a physical cache, but rather a place of usually historical or local interest; that is, a commemorative plaque, sign, object, or building. Virtual caches are grandfathered on In 2020 a special release of more Virtual caches was given to a selection of CO in many countries. In most cases the finder has to provide some location explicit answer or upload a photo. This prevents armchair cachers logging these from their home without actually visiting the location. New virtual caches are now accepted only on

Earthcaches are of a scientific nature. Needing observations, some experiments, and opinions given. Before you can log these you actually need to visit the site get information, see things, think about things. Then you need to send the CO the required information and get permission to log as found.

There is a separate honour for this type of cacheing. Scientific Geocaching. The name from memory.

Letterbox hybrid caches
These are like traditional caches having a container with log book etc. But these also have a stamp and sometimes inkpad. When the finder finds these if they are a Letterbox finder they will have their own logging book to record their finds and their own personal stamp. They use the cache stamp to stamp their personal logbook and then stamp the cache logbook with their stamp and write the date found. This type of cache can be found by both Letterboxer and geocacher people. If the person is in both sports they log in the respective web site they are involved in.

The cache stamp must remain in the cache and is not counted as a swap. The cache must be available to both Geocachers and Letterboxers and not be just a cache with a stamp. Therefore should be listed in the various Letterboxing websites as well as geocaching sites. There is a separate honour called Letterboxing.

Whereigo caches
You need to download to your device the app so you can play. Then download the cartridge for the particular Wherigio then go to the location open the files follow instructions to you get to the end and that is where the container is. You do need phone service coverage for the game to load properly and this can be problematic in some locations.

There are more types available. Webcam caches, Event caches, Lab caches and several more.

Small swaps for children, little toys and other small objects. If the logbook getting full you can leave more paper. But put a note of this on your online log so the CO knows maintenance is needed. Travel bugs and coins

Things not to leave. Food including lollies. These get soft and gooey and then leak making a sticky mess. Advertising promotional material. Anything that is not family friendly.

An activity held sacred by Pathfinders everywhere, Trash Out simply means to take along a plastic trash bag while hunting Geocaches and picking up trash on the way.

Have the student look on the website, This is a family-friendly, kid-friendly website. Two methods of finding a location are:

  • From the Main Page at the top drop-down menu, click on "HIDE & SEEK A CACHE". Then enter a zip code in the "By Postal Code" box.
  • From the Main Page on the top drop-down menu, click on "Hide and Seek a Cache" then enter an address in the "Address" box.
  • From the Main Page at the top drop-down menu, click on "HIDE & SEEK A CACHE". Then choose a state in the "By State" box.

In the geocaching app, simply hit the load/refresh button or wait a moment to let the map load with nearby caches. If you wish to search for a specific type of geocache or location other than the one immediately around you, choose the magnifying glass, and add criterion.

Why only three you may ask, and I have asked this. In some parts of the world there may not yet be many about, so to find three without having to travel 100s of km would be feasible. Of course in many places in the world people find 100 in a day. Not me though the most I have done is 34 in a day.

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
-- Matthew 6:19-21 (NKJV)

Sometimes geocaches succumb to the elements. The containers can get broken, or the cache could be found by someone who doesn't know what it is, and they throw it away or destroy it. Sometimes the log in the cache is too soaked to sign. When you find one of these, it would be good to think of this verse. We can depend on our treasure in heaven!

And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.
-- Jeremiah 29:13 (NKJV)

It is possible to visit some caches several times before finally finding it. Sometimes the cache owner can be exceedingly clever and hide a cache in plain sight. It is possible to look right at it and not recognize it for what it is, even though it is the one thing you are searching for! But persistence pays off. When you have trouble finding a cache, think about this verse, and take comfort in knowing that when you seek the Lord, you will always be repaid.

Dangers include heights, falls, traffic, rough terrain, poisonous plants (like poison ivy or poison oak), snakes, spiders, wild animals, strangers, etc. Do not geocache alone or at night in a remote area. Wear sturdy shoes as for hiking and make sure to take plenty of water when hiking to a remote area or for any distance. Let someone know what you are doing, where you are going, and when you expect to be back. Always get permission from land owners before going on to private property.


A major edit of this was done 10 May 2020. my caching name southlandicebergs