AY Honors/Native American Lore - Advanced/Answer Key

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1. Have the Indian Lore Honor.

Template:Ay prerequisite

2. Know and have a list of at least 40 foods introduced to us by the Indians of North and South America.

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Arts and Crafts/Indian Lore/Foods

3. Participate in a meal using as many Indian foods and cooking methods as possible.

4. Name five drugs or medicine plants used by the Indians.

We do not recommend that you attempt to treat any sicknesses using the plants listed here. Doing so could certainly endanger your health.



Description: Eupatorium perfoliatum or boneset is a common perennial plant native to the Eastern United States and Canada. It is also called "agueweed", "feverwort" or "sweating-plant". The plant grows about 1m tall, with leaves that clasp the stems and dense clusters of white heads held above the foliage.

Where found: Nova Scotia to Florida, as well as from Louisiana and Texas through North Dakota.

Use: It was introduced to American colonists by Indians who used the plant for breaking fevers by means of heavy sweating.



Description: The willows all have abundant watery juice, furrowed scaly bark which is heavily charged with salicylic acid, soft, pliant, tough wood, slender branches and large fibrous roots. These roots are remarkable for their toughness, size, and tenacity of life.

Where found: Found primarily on moist soils in cold and temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere.

Use: The leaves and bark of the willow tree have been used as a remedy for aches and fever by many cultures. Native Americans across the American continent relied on it as a staple of their medical treatments.

Achillea millefolium.jpg

Common Yarrow

Description: Common Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) is an erect herbaceous perennial plant that produces one to several stems (0.2 to 1m tall). Leaves are evenly distributed along the stem, with the leaves near the middle and bottom of the stem being the largest. The leaves have varying degrees of hairiness. The leaves are 5-20 cm long, bipinnate or tripinnate, almost feathery, and arranged spirally on the stems.

Use: The herb is purported to be a diaphoretic, astringent, tonic, stimulant and mild aromatic. It contains isovaleric acid, salicylic acid, asparagin, sterols, flavonoids, bitters, tannins, and coumarins. The plant also has a long history as a powerful 'healing herb' used topically for wounds, cuts and abrasions. Navajo Indians consider it to be a "life medicine", and chewed it for toothaches, and poured an infusion into ears for earaches.

Gaultheria procumbens.JPG


Description: Wintergreen is low-growing, typically reaching 10–15 cm tall. The leaves are evergreen, elliptic to ovate, 2–5 cm long and 1–2 cm broad, with a distinct oil of wintergreen scent. The flowers are bell-shaped, 6–8 mm long, white, borne solitary or in short racemes. The fruit is an edible red berry 8–15 mm diameter.

Where found: Eastern U.S. and Canada

Use: Wintergreen contains methyl salicylate, which was used by Native Americans to bring down fever and as a pain killer.


Partridge berry

Description: This evergreen plant is a creeping, but not climbing, vine, 15-30 cm long. The evergeen dark-green leaves are opposite, ovate to cordate, with a pale yellow midrib. The petioles are short. Roots may grow at the internodes, forming loose mats. It is part of the undergrowh vegetation in many forests.

Where found: The species is dispersed throughout eastern North America

Use: A tea brewed from partridge berry was given to women in the last two weeks of their pregnancies to ease childbirth.

5. Discuss the Indians of your area with regard to:
a. Tribes located there
b. Homes and clothing
c. Native crafts performed, such as basketry, pottery, mats, etc.
d. Religious practices
e. Form of Government
If you do not live in North America, choose any of the following for study. Northeast, Southeast, Northwest, Southwest

Langs N.Amer.png

6. Name ten articles used by the Indians in their religious ceremonies.

  • Eagle feathers
  • Peyote (a spineless cactus)
  • Eagle bone whistle
  • Peace pipe
  • Drums
  • Gourd Dance Eagle Fan
  • Gourd rattle
  • Medicine wheel (stones structure)
  • Smudge stick (charred bundle of dried herbs)
  • Sweat lodge
  • Tomahawk
  • Wampum

7. Explain two methods of mounting and displaying arrowheads.

Arrowheads are typically mounted in a shadow box. This is a shallow wooden box with a removable glass cover. The bottom of the box is covered with a photo framing mat. The arrowheads can be sewn to the mat with monofilament, tied down with leather lacing, or they can be glued down. If gluing, be sure to use a reversible glue, such as hot melt.

8. Explain one method of restoring and mending damaged arrowheads, ollas, blankets, and baskets.

It is probably best to leave the repair of a valuable artifact to a professional. We do not intend to provide instruction here in sufficient detail to allow a Pathfinder to attempt a repair, but rather outline the procedures used.


Broken arrowheads can usually be glued back together using Cyanoacrylate (such as Superglue, or Krazy Glue). Apply a drop or two of glue to one surface, join the pieces together, and hold them in position for a minute to allow the glue to set. Once it sets, leave it alone for a couple of hours. If any glue came to the surface of the crack, scrape it off with an X-Acto knife.

Ollas (pottery)

Pottery is sometimes repaired using the "sandbox and Elmers" approach. First a container larger enough to hold the pot (in its whole form) is obtained, and a little sand is added to the bottom. Then a two pieces from the bottom of the pottery are glued together using a water-soluble glue (such as Elmers). The glued piece are placed in the sandbox, and sand is packed around them to hold them in position. Then another piece is glued on, and sand is packed around it as well. This process is repeated until the entire pot has been reassembled. Once the glue has had sufficient time to dry (don't rush it), the pot is removed from the sand.


Before you begin, you should have the blanket dry cleaned. Wool blankets can be repaired by one of two methods: reweaving, or felting. Reweaving is an art best left to professionals, but felting is perhaps within reach of the amateur.

It is well known that if fine wool is dampened and packed into a boot, the boot placed on a foot, and then walked on, the wool will be compacted into felt. The same can be done without the use of a boot. Felt can also be made by rolling it out onto a flat surface.

Place the blanket on a table, and cover the hole with a wad of fine wool. Then get out a rolling pin and go over it repeatedly. This will convert the wool into felt, and as it does so, will bond the felt with the wool in the blanket.


9. Name and locate at least ten different tribes of the present day and tell for what each is noted.

10. Experiment with plant dyes as used by the Indians and try to obtain at least two shades of color.

The dying process

Gather your plants from an area where the species you are after is abundant. Be sure to not take more than two-thirds of the plants from any one area. Natural fabrics work best with natural dyes, so choose cotton or wool (you can use yarn if you like).

The amount of material needed for the dyepot varies. For four ounces of cloth or yarn, use 12 ounces of plant material, one ounce of alum, and 1/4 ounce of cream of tartar in four quarts of water. Soak skeins of white yarn or material in plain water for 24 hours before dyeing.

Create Dye

  1. Put water in a large pot, add shredded plant parts (place in net bag)
  2. Simmer 1/2 to 1 hour (just below the boiling point)
  3. Strain out material (remove net bag)

Dye Fibers

  1. Add alum and cream of tartar to water and stir (cream of tartar helps keep fibers soft)
  2. Put in pre-moistened fiber/yarn
  3. Simmer until material is a little darker than you desire, stirring and submerging occasionally
  4. Remove from heat

Remove Fibers from Bath and Dry

  1. Rinse (starting with warm water) until cool
  2. Hang to dry

Be sure to wash the cloth by itself the first time you launder it. The last thing you want to do is accidentally dye your other clothes!

Plants and colors

You can get some of these plants at a grocery store even in the winter. Others will need to be gathered in the warmer months.

Rose hips, beets, dandelion roots
Onion skins, sassafras leaves
Queen Anne's lace (carrot), burdock, dandelion flowers
Red onion skins, plantain roots
Poke berries, grapes, blueberries, blackberries, red cabbage
Walnut hulls, acorns, oak leaves
Sumac leaves, iris roots


11. Do one of the following:

a. Visit an Indian museum

If you know of an Indian museum in your area, by all means, look into visiting that one. You may also consult this web site to find one in your area, or use an Internet search engine to look for "Indian Museum state" where state is the name of the state in which you wish to find an Indian museum. Also try replacing the word "Indian" with "Native American".

b. Visit Indian ruins or mounds

See the Wikipedia category Mound builders for a list of several Indian mounds throughout the United States.

c. Make a personal visit with an Indian

If you know a Native American, invite him or her to speak to your Pathfinder club. If you do not personally know a Native American, find an Indian museum as described in section a of this requirement and contact them. They may be able to put you in touch with a Native American who is willing to share his or her culture with you.

d. Visit an Indian village or reservation

There are about 300 Indian reservations in the United states. Wikipedia has a List of Indian reservations in the United States. In Canada, these are called Indian reserves, and Wikipedia has an article covering those as well.
