Especialidades JA/Espírito de Profecia/Requisitos
Nível de Habilidade
Autoridade de Aprovação
Divisão Sul Americana
1. O que é o dom profético?
2. Quais são as principais características de um profeta verdadeiro?
3. Como se pode definir que uma profecia é verdadeira?
4. Como se caracteriza um falso profeta?
5. Quem foi Ellen White? Qual sua importância para a Igreja Adventista do Sétimo Dia?
6. Ler e apresentar relatório de, pelo menos, 2 dos seguintes grupos de livros do Espírito de Profecia:
- a. Grande Conflito: História da Redenção, O Grande Conflito and Eventos Finais.
- b.
History: Patriarchs and Prophets, Prophets and Kings and Acts of the Apostles
- c.
Testimonies for the Church Series: Any three books of your choice within this series
- d.
Diet: The Ministry of Healing, Counsels on Diet and Foods, Temperance and Counsels on Health
- e.
Charitable Service: Christian Service, Gospel Workers and Welfare Ministry
- f.
Missionary Series: Faith and Works, Steps to Christ, Christian Service and Early Writings
- g.
Education: Education, Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, Fundamentals of Christian Education, Mind, Character, and Personality, vol. 1 or 2, The Adventist Home and Messages to Young People
- h.
Devotionals: Our High Calling, The Upward Look and That I May Know Him
- i.
The Life of Christ: Christ's Object Lessons, The Desire of Ages and Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing
- j.
Any other series of books of your preference that has at least three books
Find within the books of the Spirit of Prophecy texts of at least two of the following topics:
- a.
Biblical stories
- b.
Christ's second coming
- c.
Health reform
- d.
Healthy habits
- e.
Family structure
- f.
- g.
Church organization
How can the study of the Spirit of Prophecy help in understanding the Bible?
How does God manifest in His servants the Spirit of Prophecy?