Investiture Achievement/Ranger/Personal Growth

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Requirement 1

Be in Grade 8 or its equivalent.

Requirement 2a

Develop your daily devotional life by studying the Weekly Devotional Guide (weeks 40 – 52) and the book of John utilizing printed or electronic resources.

Weekly Devotional Guide

Week 40: Judgement Week 44: Calling Week 48: Comfort
Week 41: Heaven Week 45: Remediation Week 49: Future
Week 42: Bible Study Week 46: Beginnings Week 50: Peers
Week 43: Challenges Week 47: Sabbath Week 51: Service
Week 52: Discipleship


John 1 John 11 John 21
John 2 John 12
John 3 John 13
John 4 John 14
John 5 John 15
John 6 John 16
John 7 John 17
John 8 John 18
John 9 John 19
John 10 John 20

Requirement 2b

Journal your thoughts by asking questions like:

  • “What did I learn about God?”
  • “What did I learn about myself?”
  • “How can I apply this to my life today?”
  • “What in this text is meaningful to me?”
  • “What is the theme in the verses I read?”

You may journal through writing, drawing or electronic process.

The questions are to be asked in relation to the Bible texts read in Requirement 2a. The point of having the Pathfinder answer these questions is to encourage him think about the text in a way that he may not have before. It is easier than we like to admit to read a long passage and not even think about it. Journaling should help prevent this.

How the journaling is done should be left to the Pathfinder.


Some people are more comfortable writing things down. This can be done with a pencil (or pen) and paper in a notebook, in a diary, on a word processor, or even on a blog or social network posting.


Some children do not like to write and will resist it mightily. For such children, the thought of not being invested in not likely to be an effective motivator. They may prefer to illustrate the concepts instead, and that is a valid way for them to journal their thoughts.

Electronic Process

The Pathfinder may choose to write his journal entries in a word processor, a blog, or a social network. While these may be considered either writing or an "electronic process," there are other options available. For instance, Pathfinders may wish to make an audio or video recording of their thoughts. If they have the equipment, this should be encouraged. If they are not comfortable sharing the material with the club, do not force them to.

Requirement 3a

Memorize the Pathfinder Law.

Requirement 3b

Illustrate your understanding of the Pathfinder Law in an interesting way.

Requirement 4

Learn the meaning of the AY Emblem.