Especialidades JA/Cultura Sudamericana/Respuestas
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
División Sudamericana
Comida típica: Chorizo, lomo, parrilla, etc.
Lenguaje: Español, normalmente llamado castellano por los argentinos.
Costumbres: Beber mate, acortar palabras, etc.
Comida típica: Empanada de arroz, locro, salchipapas, etc.
Lenguaje: Español, quechua, aimara, guaraní y una variedad de lenguas indígenas menos utilizadas.
Costumbres: Profundamente católicos, folclore rico, etc.
Comida típica: Carne-de-sol (jabá), pan de queso, tacacá, etc.
Lenguaje: Portugués
Costumbres: Intercambio de afecto en público, celebraciones religiosas, salida tardía del hogar, etc.
Comida típica: Pastelería de chocolate, curanto, cebiche, etc.
Lenguaje: Español
Costumbres: Saludan con un beso en la mejilla al llegar y salir, aunque no se conozcan, súper puntual, etc.
Comida típica: Platanitos, cocolón, muchines, etc.
Lenguaje: Español
Costumbres: Hospitalidad, su buen sentido del humor y su acento especial al hablar.
Comida típica: Chipa, Paraguayan soup, etc.
Lenguaje: El guaraní, El guaraní, idioma hablado por la mayoría de la población, y el español son los idiomas oficiales. El dialecto que se habla en el país es el español rioplatense.
Costumbres: Consumo de yerba mate a través de tereré, custodiando con orgullo su pasado indígena, etc.
Comida típica: Olluquito con charqui, pollo a la brasa, cuy picante, etc.
Lenguaje: El español, quechua, aimara lo habla el 70% de los peruanos. Los otros idiomas que se hablan en Perú que no son idiomas oficiales son el aimara y el quechua. El quechua es el segundo idioma más hablado.
Costumbres: La libertad de adorar es la regla en Perú, aunque la religión mayoritaria es católica, los antiguos peruanos fueron artesanos por excelencia y desarrollaron un alto nivel de tecnología en esta actividad; la música y la danza siempre han jugado un papel importante en la sociedad peruana.
Comida típica: Chivito, choripán, pancho, etc.
Lenguaje: El español, o el castellano, es el idioma oficial de Uruguay, hablado por la gran mayoría de habitantes.
Costumbres: El carnaval más largo del mundo, decir «buen provecho» es una costumbre muy fuerte siempre que alguien va a comer, beben mucho mate, etc.
Spanish and Portuguese colonization
In 1492, at the service of the Spanish Crown, Christopher Columbus discovered a continent hitherto unknown to Europeans, which was later named America. The lands found were disputed between Portugal and Spain. To control the dispute between these countries, Pope Alexander VI of Spain proposed the papal bull Inter caetera, dividing the Atlantic Ocean by a meridian. But, with the meridian, Portugal would only have rights to African lands.
The Portuguese Crown pressured to change the agreement and the Treaty of Tordesillas was signed, dividing the continent between the two countries (Spain with the western portion and Portugal with the eastern portion). But other European countries did not agree with this.
The conquest of Spanish America happened in an exploratory way; that is, they didn't come to America in search of land to settle, they occupied the space, appropriating its riches. The Spaniards decimated the indigenous populations, imposing their culture, language and religion.
Independence of South American countries
The Spanish colonies in America were influenced by a number of factors in their independence processes. Spain held the largest colonial territory on the American continent, its possessions ranging from present-day Mexico to the extreme south of the continent. In these lands, a local elite known as Creoles, who were the children of Spaniards born in the New World, fortified themselves. Creoles developed their activities and interests in America, repeatedly contesting metropolitan attitudes. Internally, the strengthening of the Creoles and the dissatisfaction with the metropolis' demands influenced the emancipation movements.
Creoles spoke out in favor of greater political and economic freedom. On the international stage, the example of the independence of the United States, which filled the imagination of separatists, and the political situation in the metropolis, which was going through moments of great instability, made their contributions to the process. The result was a series of independences on American territory that once belonged to Spain, fragmenting the entire immense colony into several countries during the nineteenth century.
Brazil, a colony of Portugal, did not go through a war against the metropolis, as in the case of the United States, or through a great fragmentation of the territory, as happened with Spanish America.
At the end of the 1810s, King John VI decided to return to Portugal in an attempt to control the manifestations of the bourgeoisie, who saw themselves harmed due to the distance from the crown. However, in Brazil, the prince regent Dom Pedro I remained, who was convinced by the new local elite to make Brazil independent and continue to be its first emperor. Dom Pedro I was interested in the proposal and declared Brazilian independence in 1822. In Brazil there was no war against Portugal, but rather internal wars to assert the entire extension of the territory belonging to the new emperor.
Peoples and Immigrants
In the mid-nineteenth century, the unoccupied areas of southern Brazil and the growth of the coffee plantation attracted foreign labor, mainly European, who were looking for better living and working conditions.
Portuguese, Spaniards, Italians, Germans, Austrians, among other peoples, were attracted by the advertisements published in their countries, which beckoned a better life for those who wanted to venture into the tropics. It was from Italy, however, that most immigrants came. They fled from the lack of jobs and widespread hunger. Most immigrants arrived to the coffee plantations in São Paulo.
El Desierto de Atacama se ubica en el norte de Chile, entre los ríos Loa y Copiapó. Este desierto limita al oeste con el Océano Pacífico y al este con la Cordillera de los Andes. Según los expertos en clima, el desierto de Atacama es el más seco no polar del mundo.
El Aconcagua es la montaña más alta fuera de Asia, con 6.961 metros de altitud, ubicada en Mendoza, Argentina.
Guacamayo jacinto
Estas aves crecen hasta alcanzar un tamaño medio de unos 70 cm de longitud (pudiendo alcanzar 105 cm), con una envergadura de 120 a 140 cm y un peso de 1,5 a 1,7 kg. Su pico es el más fuerte de todas las aves,[cita requerida] fundamental para alimentarse con nueces y semillas duras. Su pico también les permite romper nueces de coco, madera y otras materias vegetales.
El guacamayo jacinto tiene un cuerpo recubierto de plumas azules en un tono similar al añil. Su pico es negro con una franja brillante en la unión con la cabeza. También tiene una franja brillante alrededor de sus oscuros ojos. Al contrario que otras especies de guacamayos, carece de una «máscara» sin plumas alrededor de la zona de los ojos. Machos y hembras son casi indistinguibles, aunque por lo general las hembras son un poco más esbeltas.
The jaguar is a compact and well-muscled animal. It is the largest cat native to the Americas and the third largest in the world, exceeded in size only by the tiger and the lion. It stands 68 to 75 cm (26.8 to 29.5 in) tall at the shoulders. Its size and weight vary considerably: weights are normally in the range of 56–96 kg (123–212 lb). Exceptionally big males have been recorded to weigh as much as 158 kg (348 lb). The smallest females weigh about 36 kg (79 lb). It is sexually dimorphic, with females typically being 10–20% smaller than males. The length, from the nose to the base of the tail, varies from 1.12 to 1.85 m (3 ft 8 in to 6 ft 1 in). The tail is 45 to 75 cm (18 to 30 in) long and the shortest of any big cat. Its muscular legs are shorter than the legs of other Panthera species with similar body weight.
The jaguar's coat ranges from pale yellow to tan or reddish-yellow, while the ventral areas are whitish, and is covered in black spots. The spots and their shapes vary: on the sides they become rosettes which may include one or several dots. The spots on the head and neck are generally solid, as are those on the tail where they may merge to form bands near the end and create a black tip. They are elongated on the middle of the back, often connecting to create a median stripe, and blotchy on the belly. These patterns serve as camouflage in areas with dense vegetation and patchy shadows. Jaguars living in forests are often darker and considerably smaller than those living in open areas, possibly due to the smaller numbers of large, herbivorous prey in forest areas.
Melanistic jaguars are also known as black panthers. The black morph is less common than the spotted one. Black jaguars have been documented in Central and South America. Melanism in the jaguar is caused by deletions in the melanocortin 1 receptor gene and inherited through a dominant allele.
Maned Wolf
The maned wolf bears minor similarities to the red fox, although it belongs to a different genus. The average adult weighs 23 kg (51 lb) and stands 90 cm (35 in) tall at the shoulder, and has a head-body length of 100 cm (39 in), with the tail adding another 45 cm (18 in). Its ears are large and long 18 cm (7.1 in).
The maned wolf is the tallest of the wild canids; its long legs are likely an adaptation to the tall grasslands of its native habitat.[15] Fur of the maned wolf may be reddish-brown to golden orange on the sides with long, black legs, and a distinctive black mane. The coat is marked further with a whitish tuft at the tip of the tail and a white "bib" beneath the throat. The mane is erectile and typically is used to enlarge the wolf's profile when threatened or when displaying aggression. Melanistic maned wolves do exist, but are rare. The first photograph of a black adult maned wolf was taken by a camera trap in northern Minas Gerais in Brazil in 2013.
Tamarino león dorado
Se caracteriza por su pelaje abundante y sedoso de color dorado uniforme y su abundante melena que le vale el nombre de "león". El hocico carece de pelo. El cuerpo mide 34 a 40 cm de longitud y la cola entre 22 y 38 cm. pesan entre 300 y 700 g.
El ocelote es una especie de felino de mediano tamaño, con una longitud de cabeza y cuerpo de 70 - 90 cm, cola relativamente corta (30-40 cm, un 45% de la longitud de cabeza y cuerpo) y un peso en el entorno de los 11 kg. En Mesoamérica, es el tercer felino más grande después del jaguar y del puma, y el más grande de los pequeños felinos manchados, mayor que el caucel y el tigrillo.
Posee grandes orejas y gran sentido auditivo, con unos ojos grandes y expresivos. Las extremidades anteriores tienen cinco dedos y las posteriores, cuatro; las zarpas están provistas de almohadillas, que permiten al animal caminar sin hacer ruido, y con uñas largas, afiladas y completamente retráctiles. Esto último le resulta muy útil cuando no es necesario utilizarlas, como, por ejemplo, al correr, para evitar, de este modo, su deterioro. Tiene pelaje corto.
Sus ojos están muy bien adaptados a los cambios de luminosidad: las pupilas se contraen hasta formar una fina y negra línea vertical durante los días de mucha luz, pero se abren y se redondean en situaciones de oscuridad.